娄敏 | |
教授 | |
“长江学者奖励计划”青年学者、山东省泰山学者青年专家 船舶与海洋工程国家一流专业建设点负责人、学科负责人 | |
邮箱:shidaloumin@163.com 电话: 办公地点: | |
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1998.09-2002.06 | 中国海洋大学,建筑工程学士 |
2002.09-2005.06 | 中国海洋大学,防灾减灾工程及防护工程硕士 |
2005.09-2007.06 | 中国海洋大学,港口、海岸及近海工程博士
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2007.11-2009.11 | 中国石油大学(华东),讲师 |
2009.12-2017.11 | 中国石油大学(华东),副教授 |
2017.12-至今 | 中国石油大学(华东),教授
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[1] 深水新型立管力学分析与优化设计 [2] 海洋管道流固耦合及振动抑制研究 [3] 深水柔性管道设计与研发
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[1] 本科生《海洋平台工程》 [2] 本科生《海洋工程施工与安全》 [3] 研究生《海洋立管设计与分析》
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[1] NSFC-山东联合基金重点支持项目“深水热塑性复合材料柔性管关键技术研究”(U2006226) [2] 国家重点研发计划课题“超深水多用途柔性管结构设计分析技术研究”(2016YFC0303801) [3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“深水顺应式垂直通路立管总体响应特性及优化设计研究” [4] 国家自然科学基金青年项目“尾流干涉下海洋立管涡激振动抑制研究”(51309241)
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[1] 四海海域海底设施勘察后评估服务,中海石油技术检测有限公司,2022.05-2025.4 [2] 管道及附属设施腐蚀与失效分析及数据治理应用类项目技术支持服务,中海油管道技术有限公司,2023.11-2026.10 [3] 海上油气田设备设施监测检验综合评估及数据分析技术咨询服务,中海石油技术检测有限公司,2023.09-2026.08
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[1] Wang Y , Lou M , Ren X H ,et al. Experimental Investigation of Multi-Mode Vortex-Induced Vibration of Flexible Risers with Different Mass Ratios[J].China Ocean Engineering, 2023, 37(1):1-15. [2] Liang WX , Lou M , Wang Y ,et al.Dynamic Analysis of A Deep-Water Compliant Vertical Access Riser with A Variable Length During Installation[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 37(4):568-579. [1] Wang Y, Lou M*, Wang YY, et al. Experimental investigation of the effect of rotation rate and current speed on the dynamic response of riserless rotating drill string. Ocean Engineering 2023, 280, 114542. [4] Liang WX, Lou M*, Wang Y, et al. A fatigue crack growth prediction method on small datasets based on optimized deep neural network and Delaunay data augmentation. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2024,129, 104218. [5] Wang YY, Lou M, Liang WX, Zhang C. Numerical and experimental investigation on tensile fatigue performance of reinforced thermoplastic pipes[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2023,287,115814. [6] Liang WX, et al. Dynamic evolution of Strouhal number in flexible pipes coupling rotation. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2023:108783. [7] Wang Y, Lou M, Wang YY, Zhang C. Dynamic Response of Two-Degree-of-Freedom Riserless Drill String for Vortex-Induced Vibration Suppression and Enhancement[J]. Journal of Ocean University of China,2022,22(3):612-626. [8] Wang YY, Lou M, Yang LZ , Wu L. Study on the tensile properties of reinforced thermoplastic pipes under different internal pressures and temperatures[J]. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2022,200,104820. [9] Wang YY , Lou M , Wang Y ,et al. Stochastic Failure Analysis of Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipes Under Axial Loading and Internal Pressure[J].China Ocean Engineering, 2022, 36(4):614-628. [10] Min Lou, Run Li, Wugang Wu, Zhengshou Chen. Static performance analysis of deepwater compliant vertical access risers[J]. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 2019, 11(2):970-979. [11] Min Lou, Yuansheng Zhang, Wugang Wu. Static Optimization of a Compliant Vertical Access Riser[J]. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2019, 18(5):1070-1078. [12] Min Lou, Ping Hu, Xiaoliang Qi, Hongwei Li. Stability analysis of deepwater compliant vertical access riser about parametric excitation[J]. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 2019, 11(2):688-698. [13] Min Lou, Gang Qian, Run Li. Experimental investigation of the suppression of vortex-induced vibration in four cylinders arranged in a square under different spacing ratios[J]. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2019, 25:1-15. [14] Liang Weixing, Lou Min. Numerical simulation of vortex-induced vibration of a marine riser with a multiphase internal flow considering hydrate phase transition[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 216:107758. [15] Lou M., Liang W.. Effect of multiphase internal flows considering hydrate phase transitions on the streamwise oscillation of marine risers[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 197(4):106905. [16] Lou M., Liang W., Li R.. Experimental and numerical study of dynamic performance of CVAR subjected to regular wave and platform motion[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 199:106946. [17] Lou M., Wang Y.Y., Tong B., et al. Effect of temperature on tensile properties of reinforced thermoplastic pipes [J]. Composite Structures, 2020, 241:112119. [18] Wang Y.Y., Lou M., Tong B., et al. Mechanical Properties Study of Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipes Under A Tensile Load[J]. China Ocean Engineering, 2020, 34(6):806-816. [19] Wang Y.Y., Lou M., Zeng X., et al. Optimizing Winding Angles of Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipes Based on Progressive Failure Criterion[J]. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2021, 20:1067–1078. [20] Wang Y.Y., Lou M., Dong W.Z., et al. Predicting failure pressure of reinforced thermoplastic pipes based on theoretical analysis and experiment[J]. Composite Structures, 2021, 270(4):114039. [21] Wang Y.Y., Lou M., Zeng X., et al. Burst capacity of reinforced thermoplastic pipes based on progressive failure criterion[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 234(4587):109001. [22] Liang Weixing, Lou Min. Analysis of multiphase flow characteristics in a deepwater riser[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Energy, 2021, 174(1):13-23. [23] Liang Weixing, Lou Min. Parametric Stability Analysis of Marine Risers with Multiphase Internal Flows Considering Hydrate Phase Transitions[J]. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2021, 20(1):23-34. [24] Lou M.,, Wang Y., Qian G., et al. Investigation on the vortex-induced vibration active control of the riser in the “lock-in” region based on adaptive fuzzy sliding mode theory[J], Ocean Engineering, 2021, 238:109697.
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[1] 教材《海洋石油平台设计》,石油工业出版社,2023年8月,排名第1
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[1] 娄敏、梁维兴、张睿、王阳阳、王宇、党鹏博、陈圣文、崔承威 一种垂直通路立管安装下放动力分析方法、系统及应用 专利申请日2023.03.15 授权公告日2023.05.30 专利号ZL 2023 1 0246193.8 授权公告号CN 115964831 B; [2] 娄敏、梁维兴、党鹏博、崔承威、陈圣文、王阳阳、王宇 FPSO动态管缆线型智能优化方法、系统及应用 专利申请日2023.02.17 授权公告日2023.06.09 专利号ZL 2023 1 0128121.3 授权公告号CN 116029216 B; [3] 娄敏、崔承威、徐万海、王阳阳、梁维兴、张晨、王宇 复合材料柔性管铺层多目标优化设计方法及设备 专利申请日2023.03.07 授权公告日2023.07.08 专利号ZL 2023 1 0206381.8 授权公告号CN 116050283 B; [4] 娄敏、张珈翊、王宇、王阳阳、刘馨涵、朱佳星 深海无隔水管管柱系统动力响应试验装置、方法及应用 专利申请日2023.02.14 授权公告日2023.08.08 专利号ZL 2023 1 0106881.4 授权公告号CN 115824617 B; [5] 娄敏、刘佳明、王森、刘振雷 一种用于复合材料管的疲劳试验固定装置 专利申请日2020.02.04 授权公告日2023.09.12 专利号ZL 2020 1 0079708.6 授权公告号CN 111238969 B; [6] 王宇、娄敏、王阳阳、梁维兴、田超、王森 一种用于复合材料钻柱动力响应测试的试验装置 专利申请日2021.06.11 授权公告日2023.11.07 专利号ZL 2021 1 0652238.2 授权公告号CN 113465963 B; [7] 娄敏;梁维兴;崔承威;邵雨轩;王阳阳;王宇;张晨. 基于图像处理和裂纹识别模型的金属疲劳裂纹检测方法. 专利申请日:2023年10月08日,授权公告日:2024年01月09日,授权公告号:CN 117036348 B,专利号ZL 2023 1 1288176.7; [8] 娄敏;梁维兴;张晨;王阳阳;崔承威;王宇;万志豪. 一种联合激励下海洋立管多模态涡激振动分析方法及系统. 专利申请日:2023年10月30日, 授权公告日:2024年01月26日. 授权公告号:CN 117150971 B, 专 利 号:ZL 2023 1 1412407.0; [9] 娄敏、董文乙、轩红超、陈鹏 一种海洋立管涡激振动抑制装置 专利申请日2015.02.14授权公告日2016.01.06 专利号ZL2015 1 0079398.7; [10] 娄敏、轩红超、董文乙、陈鹏 一种海洋立管涡激振动抑制装置 专利申请日2015.02.14授权公告日2016.01.06 专利号ZL 2015 1 0091947.2; [11] 娄敏、朱岩、董文乙 装配旋转叶轮的可旋海洋立管涡激振动抑制装置及方法 申请日2017.03.03 申请公布日2017. 07. 18 申请公布号CN 106958426 A;授权公告日:2018年4月20日;授权公告号:CN106958426B;
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[1] 2022年,“长江学者奖励计划”青年学者 [2] 2023年,山东省泰山学者青年专家 [3] 2023年,中国发明协会一等奖
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[1] 中国石油大学(华东)船舶与海洋工程学科带头人 [2] 船舶与海洋工程国家一流专业建设点负责人 [3] 国际水下技术学会(SUT)中国分会委员 [4] 中国石油大学学报青年编委 |