
发布人:霍添 发布时间:2024-07-19 浏览次数:35




邮箱:wanglongyang1994@163.com      电话:       办公地点:工科E821













[1] 无线电能传输

[2] 功率电子

[3] 电磁设计



[1] 应用于电励磁电机的磁耦合谐振式旋转无线电能传输系统,武汉理工大学研究生自主创新基金(团队培育项目),2020/04-2021/04,主持;

[2] 考虑谐波的异步电机在线能效计量检测理论与方法研究,国家自然科学基金,2019/01-2020/01,参与;

[3] 水下机器人无线供电系统研发,英国工程与物理科学研究委员会项目(EPSRC),2023/02-2024/02,参与;



[1] L. Wang,   J. Li*, et.al., Radial-Flux Rotational Wireless Power Transfer System with   Rotor State Identification, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 2021.(IF:6.7,中科院1)

[2] L. Wang,   J. Li*, C. Chen, G. Zhu, H. Chen and Q. Li, Halbach-type Coupler WPT System   with Flux-shielding Function for Linear Motor, IEEE Transactions on   Transportation Electrification, 2021. (IF:7,中科院1)

[3] L. Wang,   J. Li*, et.al., A Mixed Flux Coupler and Dual-path Parallel Compensation   Based Rotating Wireless Power Transfer System Integrated with Rotational   Speed Monitoring Function, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 2024.   (IF:6.7,中科院1)

[4] L.   Wang, J. Li*, H. Nie, J. Liu and S. Ke, Coaxial Nested Couplers-Based   Offset-Tolerance Rotary Wireless Power Transfer Systems for Electric   Excitation Motors, IEEE Access, 2020. (IF:3.9)

[5] Y. Ding,   J. Li, L. Wang*, et.al., Analysis and Improvement of the Output Power   Drop of Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer System with Transmitting Coils   Switching for Inspection Robots. Journal of Power Electronics, 2022. (IF:1.4)

[6] J. Li, C.   Wang, L. Wang*, et.al., A Comparative Study on Transmission   Performance of Multi-Stage Wireless Power Transfer Systems Using LCC   Compensation and SPS Compensation, International Journal of Circuit Theory   and Applications, 2022. (IF:2.3)

[7] Z. Guo, J.   Li, L. Wang*, et.al., A Dual-Coupled LCC-LCC Rotating Wireless Power   Transfer System with Enhanced Output Power Based on Self-Decoupled Coupler.   Journal of Power Electronics, 2024. (IF:1.4)

[8] G. Luo, C.   Wang, L. Wang*, et.al., Detuning Analysis and Power Tracking of   Dual-Ended Resonant Circuit Based on Improved Variable-Step Perturbation   Observation for Wireless Power Transfer System, International Journal of   Circuit Theory and Applications, 2024. (IF:2.3)

[9]C. Cai, J, Wang, L. Wang, et al.,   Improved Coplanar Couplers Based WPT Systems for Adaptive Energy Harvesting   on Power Towers, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2021.   (IF:2.1)

[10]C, Chen, J, Li, L. Wang, et al.,   Wireless Power Transfer System for Angled Concave Conditions Utilizing   Quasi-bowl-shaped Couplers, Journal of Power Electronics, vol. 21, pp.   1061-1071, 2021. (IF:1.4)

[11] R, Sun, L.   Wang*, Y, Wang, et al., Research on Ultra-short-term Prediction of   Photovoltaic Power Generation Based on Digital Twin, Power System Technology,   2021. (顶级中文期刊, EI, 被评为电网技术2021年度高影响力论文)

[12] R. Ding,   C. Feng, D. Wang, R, Sun, L. Wang., Trade Based on Alliance Chain in   Energy from Distributed Photovoltaic Grids, Archives of Electrical   Engineering, 2021. (EI)

[13] X. Tang,   Q. Li, Q, Liu, Y. Xue, Y. Liu, X. He, L. Wang., Design and Research of   Power Grid Equipment Supply Chain Based on Blockchain Technology, IOP   Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020. (EI)

[14] 潘子峻,李建贵,王隆扬,.基于旋转无线输电系统的电机闭环控制[J].电源学报, 2023.

[15] 朱郭福,李建贵,王隆扬,.电动汽车动态无线充电系统弯道互感跌落研究及改进[J].电源学报, 2022.

[16] 李强,李建贵,王隆扬,.基于Halbach效应的磁屏蔽无线输电耦合机构研究[J].电源学报,2021.



[1] 李建贵,聂辉,王隆扬,一种用于无人机的磁悬浮盘式电机,NO.CN110994885B.



[1] 中国研究生能源装备创新设计竞赛,国家三等奖,2020.

[2] 中国研究生电子设计竞赛,华中赛区二等奖,2020.

[3] 武汉理工大学博士研究生卓越奖学金,2019-2022年度.

[4] 武汉理工大学硕士研究生卓越奖学金,2017年度.



IEEE Transactions   on Power ElectronicsIEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification等多个期刊审稿人