吴世博 | |
讲师 | |
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邮箱:upc_wushibo@163.com 电话: 办公地点:工科楼E821 | |
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2014.09-2018.07 | 天津大学, 船舶与海洋工程专业, 全日制本科, 工学学士 |
2015.09-2018.07 | 天津大学, 工程管理, 辅修双学位,管理学学士 |
2018.09-2024.06 | 天津大学, 船舶与海洋工程专业, 工学博士 |
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2024.08-至今 | 中国石油大学(华东)机电工程学院机电工程系 博士后 |
2024.08-至今 | 中国石油大学(华东)机电工程学院机电工程系 讲师 |
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[1] 海洋装备可靠性理论与方法 [2] 海洋装备故障诊断技术 [3] 海洋装备风险评估与防控技术
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[1] 深海浮式结构物安全评估技术研究,国家重点研发计划,2018.07-2021.12,主要参研 [2] 深水安装专业流程风险评估研究,国家科技重大专项,2017.11-2020.12,主要参研 [3] 中型邮轮设计建造技术研究,工信部高技术船舶,2019.01-2021.12,主要参研 [4] 在役深海油气采输结构局部损伤演化机理与安全寿命评估,广西科技重大专项,2018.01-2020.12,主要参研
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[1]Yang Yu, Shibo Wu*, Yiqin Fu, Xiaowei Liu, Qingze Zeng, Hongyu Ding, Yu Pan, Yuke Wu, Hao Guo, Yuheng Yang. Human reliability analysis of offshore high integrity pressure protection system based on improved CREAM and HCR integration method. Ocean Engineering. 2024, 307: 118153. (JCR Q1, 中科院二区TOP) [2] Yang Yu, Yuqing Liang, Shibo Wu*, Baoping Cai, Yu Pan, Ruilong Gao, Siyuan Cheng, Yupeng Cui, Yuheng Yang, Hao Guo. Safety performance evaluation of offshore high integrity pressure protection system using multiphase dynamic Bayesian network methodology. Ocean Engineering. 2024, 310: 118620. (JCR Q1, 中科院二区TOP) [3] Yang Yu, Shibo Wu*, Jianxing Yu, Ya Xu, Lin Song, Weipeng Xu. A hybrid multi-criteria decision-making framework for offshore wind turbine selection: A case study in China. Applied Energy. 2022, 328: 120173. (JCR Q1, 中科院一区TOP) [4] Yang Yu, Shibo Wu*, Jianxing Yu, Haicheng Chen, Qingze Zeng, Ya Xu, Hongyu Ding. An integrated MCDM framework based on interval 2-tuple linguistic:A case of offshore wind farm site selection in China. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2022, 164: 613-628. (JCR Q1, 中科院二区) [5] Jianxing Yu, Shibo Wu*, Haicheng Chen, Yang Yu, Haizhao Fan, Jiahao Liu. Risk assessment of submarine pipelines using modified FMEA approach based on cloud model and extended VIKOR method. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2021, 155: 555-574. (JCR Q1, 中科院二区) [6] Jianxing Yu, Shibo Wu*, Yang Yu, Haicheng Chen, Haizhao Fan, Jiahao Liu, Shenwei Ge. Process system failure evaluation method based on a Noisy-OR gate intuitionistic fuzzy Bayesian network in an uncertain environment. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2021, 150: 281-297. (JCR Q1, 中科院二区) [7] Jianxing Yu, Ya Xu, Yang Yu, Shibo Wu. A novel failure mode and effect analysis model using personalized linguistic evaluations and the rule-based Bayesian network. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2024, 127: 107345. (JCR Q1, 中科院二区TOP) [8] Jianxing Yu, Hongyu Ding, Yang Yu, Shibo Wu, Qingze Zeng, Ya Xu. Risk assessment of liquefied natural gas storage tank leakage using failure mode and effects analysis with Fermatean fuzzy sets and CoCoSo method. Applied Soft Computing. 2024, 154: 111334. (JCR Q1, 中科院一区TOP) [9] Jianxing Yu, Xiaowei Liu, Bing Sun, Yang Yu, Shibo Wu, Zhenmian Li. Nonlinear dynamic response of touchdown zone for steel catenary riser under multiple internal solitary waves. Ocean Engineering. 2024, 297: 117141. (JCR Q1, 中科院二区TOP) [10] Yang Yu, Jiu Yang, Shibo Wu. A novel FMEA approach for submarine pipeline risk analysis based on IVIFRN and ExpTODIM-PROMETHEE-II. Applied Soft Computing. 2023, 136: 110065. (JCR Q1, 中科院一区TOP) [11] Jianxing Yu, Hongyu Ding, Yang Yu, Shibo Wu, Qingze Zeng, Wentao Ma. A novel risk analysis approach for FPSO single point mooring system using Bayesian Network and interval type-2 fuzzy sets. Ocean Engineering. 2022, 266: 113144. (JCR Q1, 中科院二区TOP) [12] Jianxing Yu, Qingze Zeng, Yang Yu, Shibo Wu, Hongyu Ding, Hantao Gao, Jiu Yang. An intuitionistic fuzzy probabilistic Petri net method for risk assessment on submarine pipeline leakage failure. Ocean Engineering. 2022, 266: 112788. (JCR Q1, 中科院二区TOP) [13] Jianxing Yu, Qingze Zeng, Yang Yu, Shibo Wu, Hongyu Ding, Wentao Ma, Hantao Gao, Jiu Yang. Failure mode and effects analysis based on rough cloud model and MULTIMOORA method: Application to single-point mooring system. Applied Soft Computing. 2022, 132: 109841. (JCR Q1, 中科院一区TOP) [14] Jianxing Yu, Ya Xu, Yang Yu, Shibo Wu. Failure mode and effect analysis using the hesitant intuitionistic fuzzy hybrid GRP approach with ordered comprehensive weights. Quality and Reliability Engineering. 2022, 39: 328-352. (JCR Q2, 中科院三区) [15] 刘富鹏, 杨九, 吴世博, 徐立新. 基于FDHHFLTS-BN的海底管道泄漏失效风险定量分析[J]. 中国安全科学学报, 2024 [16] 余杨, 高涵韬, 徐立新, 吴世博. 基于毕达哥拉斯模糊贝叶斯网络的海底管道泄漏风险分析[J]. 中国安全生产科学技术, 2022 [17] 余建星, 曾庆泽, 余杨, 陈海成, 吴世博, 范海昭. 基于模糊Petri网络的FPSO单点多管缆干涉风险评估[J]. 海洋工程, 2022 [18] 余建星, 傅一钦, 余杨, 吴远达, 吴世博, 宋琳. 渤海地区双参数风资源评估方法研究[J]. 太阳能学报, 2021
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[1] 梁彧卿, 吴世博, 李志成, 余建星, 王福程. 海洋装备风险评估技术及应用. 天津大学出版社, 2023 [2] 余杨, 王彩妹, 余建星, 吴世博. 海洋结构金属腐蚀机理及防护. 天津大学出版社, 2021
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[1] 余建星, 吴世博, 余杨, 傅一钦, 段晶辉, 郭帅, 吴远达. 一种深海管线复杂荷载联合加载试验方法. 授权日: 2024.03.22,CN110196156B [2] 余建星, 吴世博, 余杨, 陈海成, 范海昭, 刘嘉豪. 浮式生产储卸油装置的风险分析方法及相关装置. 申请公布日:2022.08.12, CN114897341A [3] 余建星, 吴世博, 余杨, 马文韬, 曾庆泽, 李昊达, 高涵韬, 杨九. 储油罐失效评估方法及相关装置. 申请公布日:2022.06.21, CN114648211A [4] 余杨, 吴世博, 余建星, 马文韬, 曾庆泽, 李昊达, 高涵韬, 杨九. 玻璃幕墙性能确定方法及相关装置. 申请公布日:2022.05.13, CN114491977A [5] 余杨, 刘嘉豪, 余建星, 吴世博, 吴凡蕾, 孙文正, 姚云鹏. 一种基于量化分析和概率推理的柔性立管风险评价方法. 授权日: 2024.06.14,CN114036857B [6] 余建星, 马文韬, 余杨, 吴世博. 一种基于小波包能量的多激励融合板结构损伤识别方法. 授权日: 2023.02.07,CN112529842B [7] 余建星, 范海昭, 余杨, 陈海成, 吴世博. 一种基于复合赋权云模型的邮轮玻璃幕墙风险分析方法. 授权日: 2023.04.07, CN113486502B [8] 余杨, 吴晨, 李振眠, 陈柏全, 吴世博, 余建星, 徐立新. 一种基于复合赋权云模型的邮轮玻璃幕墙风险分析方法. 授权日: 2020.04.17,CN109506881B
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[1] 2022年,国家级优秀海洋图书,中国太平洋学会,排名第4 [2] 2022年,博士研究生国家奖学金,排名第1 [3] 2019年, 天津市科学技术进步奖,一等奖,排名第9 [3] 2017年, 本科生国家奖学金,排名第1 |