
发布人:蔡宝平 发布时间:2024-04-13 浏览次数:38156


教授 博士生导师



邮箱:caibaoping@upc.edu.cn       电话:0532-86983303       办公地点:工科楼E909






















[1] 海洋油气装备技术

[2] 可靠性理论与方法

[3] 智能化故障诊断理论与技术


[1] 本科生《机械设备电气控制》

[2] 本科生《海洋能源技术》

[3] 本科生《新生研讨课》

[4] 本科生《智能工厂综合实践》

[5] 本科留学生《虚拟样机技术》(全英文)

[6] 硕士生《现代机械科学与技术》(山东省研究生精品课程)

[7] 博士生《机械科学与工程进展》


[1] 海洋石油水下装备,国家杰出青年科学基金项目(52325107),2024.01-2028.12

[2] 煤化工动设备故障诊断与智能运维技术,新疆哈密伊吾县科技创新专项资金项目,2023.12-2025.07

[3] 深水水下生产设施轻型介入关键装备设计,工信部高技术船舶科研项目专题(2023GXB01-05-004-03),2023.08-2026.12

[4] 防喷器组及控制系统智能监控与可靠性技术研究,工信部高技术船舶科研项目专题(KY10001-1-1),2023.01-2025.12

[5] 基于压力波反射法的水下管汇泄漏在线检测技术,国家重点研发计划专题(2022YFC2806102-01),2022.12-2026.11

[6] 基于到达时间差的水下管汇泄漏在线监测及定位技术,国家重点研发计划专题(2022YFC2806102-02),2022.12-2026.11

[7] 燃气管道本体缺陷内部智能检测与服役状态研判技术研究,国家重点研发计划课题(2022YFC3004802),2022.11-2025.10

[8] 海洋油气装备技术——海洋石油水下生产系统健康管理理论及方法,山东省杰出青年科学基金项目(ZR2022JQ25),2023.01-2025.12

[9] 海洋油气装备技术创新型人才国际合作培养项目,国家留学基金委创新型人才国际合作培养项目,2022.01-2024.12

[10] 数字孪生驱动的海洋石油水下生产系统视情维修理论及方法,国家自然科学基金面上项目(52171287),2022.01-2025.12

[11] 海洋石油水下生产系统健康管理技术,科技部外国青年人才计划(QN2021152001L),2021.01-2022.12

[12] 水下生产系统数字化自主型预测与生产优化技术研究及应用示范,国家重点研发计划项目(2019YFE0105100),2020.07-2023.6(第二负责人)

[13] 融合退化依赖性的水下生产系统结构件故障预测技术,国家重点研发计划专题(2019YFE0105100-02),2020.07-2023.06

[14] 海底复杂环境下深水采油树系统失效机理及故障诊断方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(51779267),2018.01-2021.12

[15] 基于面向对象贝叶斯网络的水下采油树故障诊断方法研究,中国博士后面上项目一等资助(2015M570623),2015.06-2016.12

[16] 可靠性分析与质量控制中的一些问题,香江学者计划(XJ2014004),2015.02-2017.02

[17] 基于动态贝叶斯网络的深水防喷器系统实时可靠性评估方法研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金(51309240),2014.01-2016.12

[18] 基于多传感器数据融合的深水防喷器系统实时可靠性建模与评估方法,教育部博士点基金(20130133120007),2014.01-2016.12

[19] 深水防喷器组及控制系统可靠性试验研究,国家863计划项目子课题(2013AA09A220-04),2013.01-2016.12

[20] 深水防喷器组及控制系统状态监测和故障诊断系统研制,国家863计划项目子课题(2013AA09A220-03),2013.01-2016.12(副组长)


[1] 海上关键设备与作业风险动态算法与定量技术研究,中海油安全技术服务有限公司(ZX2022ZCSTF2679),2022.06-2023.10

[2] 深水防喷器在线监测与智能化完整性诊断系统研制,中海油安全技术服务有限公司(ST-2019-ZC-YF-003),2019.09-2020.12

[3] 井控设备完整性测试系统样机集成与开发,中海油安全技术服务有限公司(ST-2018-ZC-YF-005),2018.11-2019.11

[4] 井下安全阀电磁控制关键技术研究,中国石油化工股份有限公司胜利油田分公司石油工程技术研究院(30200019-18-ZC0609-0006),2018.11-2018.12

[5] 隔水管安装导向绳系统选型设计研究,中海油能源发展装备技术有限公司深圳分公司(ZB17ZCCF0082),2017.04-2018.12


[1] Chuntan Gao, Baoping Cai*, Life-cycle integrity design method considering load robustness of offshore oil and gas equipment: SCSSV as a case study, Ocean Engineering, 2024, 300: 117434.

[2] Xiaoyan Shao, Baoping Cai*, Jinghao Li, Yiliu Liu, Lei Gao, Zhexian Zou, Guijie Liu, Remaining useful life prediction method for Degradation–Shock dependence: Case of a subsea hydraulic control system, Ocean Engineering, 2024, 299: 117339.

[3] Rui Zhang, Baoping Cai*, Chao Yang, Yuming Zhou, Yonghong Liu, Xinyang Qi, Combinatorial reasoning-based abnormal sensor recognition method for subsea production control system, Petroleum Science, 2024.

[4] Xiangdi Kong, Baoping Cai*, Javed Akbar Khan, Lei Gao, Jun Yang, Bo Wang, Yulong Yu, Yonghong Liu, Concurrent fault diagnosis method for electric-hydraulic system: Subsea blowout preventer system as a case study, Ocean Engineering, 2024, 294: 116818.

[5] Xiangdi Kong, Baoping Cai*, Zhexian Zou, Qibing Wu, Chenyushu Wang, Jun Yang, Bo Wang, Yonghong Liu, Three-model-driven fault diagnosis method for complex hydraulic control system: Subsea blowout preventer system as a case study, Expert Systems with Applications, 2024, 247: 123297.

[6] Chuntan Gao, Baoping Cai*, Chaoyang Sheng, Yonghong Liu, Keyang Liu, Javed Akbar Khan, Mingwei Shi, Zengkai Liu, Renjie Ji, Life cycle structural integrity design approach for the components of subsea production system: SCSSV as a case study, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2023.

[7] Chao Yang, Baoping Cai*, Rui Zhang, Zhexian Zou, Xiangdi Kong, Xiaoyan Shao, Yiliu Liu, Haidong Shao, Javed Akbar Khan, Cross-validation enhanced digital twin driven fault diagnosis methodology for minor faults of subsea production control system, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023, 204: 110813.

[8] Haojie Li, Baoping Cai, Xiaobing Yuan, Xiangdi Kong*, Yonghong Liu, Javed Akbar Khan, Zhengde Chu, Chao Yang, Anbang Tang, Three-dimensional sound source location algorithm for subsea leakage using hydrophone, China Ocean Engineering, 2023.

[9] Qibing Wu, Baoping Cai*, Hongyan Fan, Guannan Wang, Xi Rao, Weifeng Ge, Xiaoyan Shao, Yonghong Liu, Remaining useful life prediction method for multi-component system considering maintenance: Subsea Christmas tree system as a case study, China Ocean Engineering, 2023.

[10] Chenyushu Wang, Baoping Cai*, Xiaoyan Shao, Liqian Zhao, Zhongfei Sui, Keyang Liu, Javed Akbar Khan, Lei Gao, Dynamic risk assessment methodology of operation process for deepwater oil and gas equipment, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2023, 239: 109538.

[11] Keyang Liu, Baoping Cai*, Qibing Wu, Mingxin Chen, Chao Yang, Javed Akbar Khan, Chenyushu Wang, Hasini Vidumini Weerawarna Pattiyakumbura, Weifeng Ge, Yonghong Liu, Risk identification and assessment methods of offshore platform equipment and operations, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2023, 177: 1415-1430.

[12] Xiaoyan Shao, Baoping Cai*, Yonghong Liu, Junyan Zhang, Zhongfei Sui, Qiang Feng, Remaining useful life prediction via a hybrid DBN-KF-based method: A case of subsea Christmas tree valves, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2023, 238: 109405.

[13] Chao Yang, Baoping Cai*, Qibing Wu, Chenyushu Wang, Weifeng Ge, Zhiming Hu, Wei Zhu, Lei Zhang, Longting Wang, Digital twin-driven fault diagnosis method for composite faults by combining virtual and real data, Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 2023, 33: 100469.ESI高被引论文)

[14] Qiangqiang Jiang, Baoping Cai*, Yanping Zhang, Min Xie, Cuiwei Liu, Resilience assessment methodology of natural gas network system under random leakage, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2023, 234: 109134.ESI高被引论文)

[15] Xuelin Liu, Baoping Cai*, Xiaobing Yuan, Xiaoyan Shao, Yiliu Liu, Javed Akbar Khan, Hongyan Fan, Yonghong Liu, Zengkai Liu, Guijie Liu, A hybrid multi-stage methodology for remaining useful life prediction of control system: Subsea Christmas tree as a case study, Expert Systems With Applications, 2023, 215: 119335.

[16] Xiangdi Kong, Baoping Cai*, Yonghong Liu, Hongmin Zhu, Chao Yang, Chuntan Gao, Yiqi Liu, Zengkai Liu, Renjie Ji, Fault diagnosis methodology of redundant closed-loop feedback control systems: subsea blowout preventer system as a case study, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2023, 53(3): 1618-1629.

[17] Baoping Cai*, Chaoyang Sheng, Chuntan Gao, Yonghong Liu, Mingwei Shi, Zengkai Liu, Qiang Feng, Guijie Liu, Artificial intelligence enhanced reliability assessment methodology with small samples, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023, 34(9): 6578-6590.

[18] Yuandong Wang, Baoping Cai*, Yanping Zhang, Jing Liu, Javed Akbar Khan, Yiliu Liu, Rongkang Li, Zhengde Chu, Zengkai Liu, Yonghong Liu, Condition-based maintenance method for multicomponent system considering maintenance delay based on remaining useful life prediction: Subsea tree system as a case, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 266: 112616.

[19] Baoping Cai*, Yuandong Wang, Yanping Zhang, Yiliu Liu, Weifeng Ge, Rongkang Li, Yonghong Liu, Guijie Liu, Condition-based maintenance method for multi-component system based on RUL prediction: Subsea tree system as a case study, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2022, 173: 108650.

[20] Xiaoyan Shao, Yingying Wang*, Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu, Weifeng Ge,Yiliu Liu, Xiangdi Kong, Qiang Feng, Yiqi Liu, Zengkai Liu, Renjie Ji, Remaining useful life prediction considering degradation interactions of subsea Christmas tree: A multi-stage modeling approach, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 264: 112455.

[21] Xiangdi Kong, Baoping Cai*, Yonghong Liu, Hongmin Zhu, Yiqi Liu, Haidong Shao, Chao Yang, Haojie Li, Tianyang Mo, Optimal sensor placement methodology of hydraulic control system for fault diagnosis, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 174: 109069.ESI高被引论文)

[22] Baoping Cai*, Liqian Zhao, Yiliu Liu, Yanping Zhang, Wenchao Li, Xiaoyan Shao, Yi Zhao, Zengkai Liu, Renjie Ji, Yonghong Liu, Quantitative risk assessment methodology of installation process for deepwater oil and gas equipment, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 341: 130835.

[23] Baoping Cai*, Zhengda Wang, Hongmin Zhu, Yonghong Liu, Keke Hao, Ziqi Yang, Yi Ren, Qiang Feng, Zengkai Liu, Artificial intelligence enhanced two-stage hybrid fault prognosis methodology of PMSM, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022, 18(10): 7262-7273.ESI高被引论文、ESI热点论文)

[24] Baoping Cai*, Wenchao Li, Yonghong Liu, Yanping Zhang, Yi Zhao, Xiangdi Kong, Zengkai Liu, Renjie Ji, Qiang Feng, Parameter uncertainty modeling of safety instrumented systems, Petroleum Science, 2021, 18(6): 1813-1828.

[25] Baoping Cai*, Xiaoyan Shao, Xiaobing Yuan, Yonghong Liu, Guoming Chen, Qiang Feng, Yiqi Liu, Yi Ren, A novel RUL prognosis methodology of multilevel system with cascading failure: subsea oil and gas transportation systems as a case study, Ocean Engineering, 2021, 242: 110141.

[26] Yanping Zhang, Baoping Cai*, Yiliu Liu, Qiangqiang Jiang, Wenchao Li, Qiang Feng, Yonghong Liu, Guijie Liu, Resilience assessment approach of mechanical structure combining finite element models and dynamic Bayesian networks, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2021, 216: 108043.

[27] Chuntan Gao, Baoping Cai*, Chaoyang Sheng, Yanping Zhang, Zengkai Liu, Renjie Ji, Yonghong Liu, Design and development of all-electric surface-controlled subsurface safety valve system, SPE Journal, 2021, 26(5): 2948-2962.

[28] Baoping Cai*, Chao Yang, Yonghong Liu, Xiangdi Kong, Chuantan Gao, Anbang Tang, Zengkai Liu, Renjie Ji, A data-driven early micro-leakage detection and localization approach of hydraulic systems, Journal of Central South University, 2021, 28(5): 1390-1401.

[29] Baoping Cai*, Wenchao Li, Yiliu Liu, Xiaoyan Shao, Yanping Zhang, Yi Zhao, Zengkai Liu, Renjie Ji, Yonghong Liu, Modeling for evaluation of safety instrumented systems with heterogeneous components, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2021, 215: 107823.

[30] Baoping Cai*, Keke Hao, Zhengda Wang, Chao Yang, Xiangdi Kong, Zengkai Liu, Renjie Ji, Yonghong Liu, Data-driven early fault diagnostic methodology of permanent magnet synchronous motor, Expert Systems with Applications, 2021, 177: 115000.ESI高被引论文)

[31] Baoping Cai*, Yanping Zhang, Haifeng Wang, Yonghong Liu, Renjie Ji, Chuntan Gao, Xiangdi Kong, Jing Liu, Resilience evaluation methodology of engineering systems with dynamic-Bayesian-network-based degradation and maintenance, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2021, 209: 107464.

[32] Baoping Cai*, Hongyan Fan, Xiaoyan Shao, Yonghong Liu, Guijie Liu, Zengkai Liu, Renjie Ji, Remaining useful life re-prediction methodology based on Wiener process: Subsea Christmas tree system as a case study, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2021, 151: 106983.ESI高被引论文)

[33] Baoping Cai*, Yanping Zhang, Xiaobing Yuan, Chuntan Gao, Yonghong Liu, Guoming Chen, Zengkai Liu, Renjie Ji, A dynamic-Bayesian-networks-based resilience assessment approach of structure systems: subsea oil and gas pipelines as a case study, China Ocean Engineering, 2020. 34: 597-607.

[34] Baoping Cai*, Xiutao Sun, Jiaxing Wang, Chao Yang, Zhengda Wang, Xiangdi Kong, Zengkai Liu, Yonghong Liu, Fault detection and diagnostic method of diesel engine by combining rule-based algorithm and BNs/BPNNs, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2020, 57: 148-157.

[35] Baoping Cai*, Xiaoyan Shao, Yonghong Liu, Xiangdi Kong, Haifeng Wang, Hongqi Xu, Weifeng Ge, Remaining useful life estimation of structure systems under the influence of multiple causes: Subsea pipelines as a case study, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020, 67(7): 5737-5747.ESI高被引论文)

[36] Baoping Cai*, Xiangdi Kong, Yonghong Liu, Jing Lin, Xiaobing Yuan, Hongqi Xu, Renjie Ji, Application of Bayesian networks in reliability evaluation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019, 15(4): 2146-2157. ESI高被引论文)

[37] Baoping Cai*, Min Xie, Yonghong Liu, Yiliu Liu, Qiang Feng, Availability-based engineering resilience metric and its corresponding evaluation methodology, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2018, 172: 216-224. ESI高被引论文)

[38] Xiaobing Yuan, Baoping Cai*, Yunpeng Ma, Junyan Zhang, Kabwe Mulenga, Yonghong Liu, Guoming Chen, Reliability evaluation methodology of complex systems based on dynamic object-oriented Bayesian networks, IEEE Access, 2018, 14 (1): 276-285.

[39] Junyan Zhang, Baoping Cai*, Kabwe Mulenga, Yiliu Liu, Min Xie, Bayesian network-based risk analysis methodology: a case of atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2018, 117: 660-674.

[40] Baoping Cai*, Lei Huang, Min Xie, Bayesian Networks in fault diagnosis, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2017, 13 (5): 2227-2240. ESI高被引论文)

[41] Baoping Cai*, Yubin Zhao, Hanlin Liu, Min Xie, A data-driven fault diagnosis methodology in three-phase inverters for PMSM drive systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2017, 32 (7): 5590-5600. ESI高被引论文、ESI热点论文)

[42] Baoping Cai*, Yu Liu, Min Xie, A dynamic-Bayesian-network-based fault diagnosis methodology considering transient and intermittent faults, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science & Engineering, 2017, 6: 11289-11300.ESI高被引论文)

[43] Baoping Cai*, Hanlin Liu, Min Xie, A real-time fault diagnosis methodology of complex systems using object-oriented Bayesian networks, Mechanical Systems & Signal Processing, 2016, 80: 31-44. ESI高被引论文)

[44] Baoping Cai*, Yu Liu, Qian Fan, A multiphase dynamic Bayesian networks methodology for the determination of safety integrity levels, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2016, 150: 105-115.

[45] Baoping Cai*, Yonghong Liu, Yunpeng Ma, Zengkai Liu, Yuming Zhou, Junhe Sun, Real-time reliability evaluation methodology based on dynamic Bayesian networks: A case study of a subsea pipe ram BOP system, ISA Transactions, 2015, 58: 595-604.

[46] Baoping Cai*, Yonghong Liu, Yunpeng Ma, Lei Huang, Zengkai Liu, A framework for the reliability evaluation of grid-connected photovoltaic systems in the presence of intermittent faults, Energy, 2015, 93: 1308-1320.

[47] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu*, Qian Fan, Yunwei Zhang, Zengkai Liu, Shilin Yu, Renjie Ji, Multi-source information fusion based fault diagnosis of ground-source heat pump using Bayesian network, Applied Energy, 2014, 114(2): 1-9. ESI高被引论文)

[48] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu*, Yunwei Zhang, Qian Fan, Zengkai Liu, Xiaojie Tian, A dynamic Bayesian networks modeling of human factors on offshore blowouts, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2013, 26(4): 639-649.

[49] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu*, Zengkai Liu, Xiaojie Tian, Yanzhen Zhang, Renjie Ji, Application of Bayesian networks in quantitative risk assessment of subsea blowout preventer operations, Risk Analysis, 2013, 33(7): 1293-1311.

[50] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu*, Yunwei Zhang, Qian Fan, Shilin Yu, Dynamic Bayesian networks based performance evaluation of subsea blowout preventers in presence of imperfect repair, Expert Systems with Applications, 2013, 40(18): 7544-7554.

[51] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu*, Qian Fan, Yunwei Zhang, Shilin Yu, Zengkai Liu, Xin Dong, Performance evaluation of subsea BOP control systems using dynamic Bayesian networks with imperfect repair and preventive maintenance, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2013, 26(10): 2661-2672.

[52] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu*, Aibaibu Abulimiti, Renjie Ji, Yanzhen Zhang, Xin Dong, Yuming Zhou, Optimal design based on dynamic characteristics and experimental implementation of submersible electromagnetic actuators, Strojniski Vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2013, 59(7-8): 473-482.

[53] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu*, Zengkai Liu, Xiaojie Tian, Congkun Ren, Aibaibu Abulimiti, Exploratory study on load and resistance factor design of pressure vessel for subsea blowout preventers, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2013, 27: 119-129.

[54] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu*, Zengkai Liu, Xiaojie Tian, Xin Dong, Shilin Yu, Using Bayesian networks in reliability evaluation for subsea blowout preventer control system, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2012, 108(12): 32-41.

[55] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu*, Zengkai Liu, Xiaojie Tian, Yanzhen Zhang, Jing Liu, Performance evaluation of subsea blowout preventer systems with common-cause failures, Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, 2012, 90-91(4): 18-25.

[56] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu*, Zengkai Liu, Fei Wang, Xiaojie Tian, Yanzhen Zhang, Development of an automatic subsea blowout preventer stack control system using PLC based SCADA, ISA Transactions, 2012, 51(1): 198-207.

[57] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu*, Zengkai Liu, Xiaojie Tian, Hang Li, Congkun Ren, Reliability analysis of subsea blowout preventer control systems subjected tomultiple error shocks, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2012, 25(6): 1044-1054.

[58] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu*, Zengkai Liu, Xiaojie Tian, Renjie Ji, Yanzhen Zhang, Probabilistic analysis of composite pressure vessel for subsea blowout preventers, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2012, 19: 97-108.

[59] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu*, Congkun Ren, Zengkai Liu, Xiaojie Tian, Aibaibu Abulimiti, Experimental study of galvanic corrosion behaviour of carbon fibre composite coupled to aluminium in artificial seawater, Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, 2012, 47, (4): 289-296.

[60] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu*, Congkun Ren, Aibaibu Abulimiti, Xiaojie Tian, Yanzhen Zhang, Probabilistic thermal and electromagnetic analyses of subsea solenoid valves for subsea blowout preventers, Strojniski Vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2012, 58(11): 665-672.

[61] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu*, Xiaojie Tian, Hang Li, Rrenjie Ji, Fei Wang, Yanzhen Zhang, Susceptibility of 316L stainless steel to crevice corrosion in submersible solenoid valve, Materials and Corrosion, 2011, 62(8): 753-759.

[62] Baoping Cai*, Yonghong Liu, Huazhou Li, Zengkai Liu, Buckling analysis of composite long cylinders using probabilistic finite element method, Mechanics 17, 2011, 5:467-472.

[63] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu*, Zengkai Liu, Xiaojie Tian, Renjie Ji, Hang Li, Reliability-based load and resistance factor design of composite pressure vessel under external hydrostatic pressure, Composite Structures, 2011, 93(11):2844-2852.

[64] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu*, Xiaojie Tian, Zelu Wang, Fei Wang, Hang Li, Renjie Ji, Optimization of submersible solenoid valves for subsea blowout preventers, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2011, 47(2): 451-458.

[65] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu*, Xiaojie Tian, Fei Wang, Hang Li, Renjie Ji, An experimental study of crevice corrosion behaviour of 316L stainless steel in artificial seawater, Corrosion Science, 2010, 52(10): 3235-3242.


[1] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu, Zengkai Liu, Yuanjiang Chang, Lei Jiang, Bayesian networks for reliability engineering, Singapore: Springer, 2020

[2] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu, Jinqiu Hu, Zengkai Liu, Shengnan Wu, Renjie Ji, Bayesian networks in fault diagnosis: Practice and application, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2019

[3] Yonghong Liu, Baoping Cai, Renjie Ji, Zengkai Liu, Yanzheng Zhang, Reliability modeling and evaluation of subsea blowout preventer system, Beijing: Science Press, 2015


[1] 蔡宝平,李文超,刘永红,孔祥地,邵筱焱,许宏奇,李心成,陈艳东,纪仁杰,刘增凯,刘立兵,张日奎,杨玉乾,刘士堂,魏新,一种海洋石油井控装备的安全完整性水平评估方法,授权日:2023.03.10,中国,ZL 201910421733.5

[2] 蔡宝平,邵筱焱,刘永红,刘贵杰,冯强,吴奇霖,葛伟凤,李心成,吴奇兵,吴小路,何睿,邹哲先,王泓晖,范红艳,融合卡尔曼滤波和贝叶斯网络的水下采油树重预测方法,授权日:2022.07.08,中国,ZL 202110787413.9

[3] 蔡宝平,高春坦,盛朝洋,杨超,陈明新,杨子琪,杨骏,李敬昊,全电控井下安全阀智能化冗余控制系统,授权日:2022.07.05,中国,ZL 202110391878.2

[4] 蔡宝平,王远东,刘永红,孔祥地,张妍平,刘贵杰,冯强,李心成,葛伟凤,吴奇兵,吴奇霖,纪仁杰,刘增凯,李荣康,基于剩余使用寿命预测的水下采油树视情维修方法及系统,授权日:2022.04.15,中国,ZL 202110752771.6

[5] 蔡宝平,范红艳,刘永红,邵筱焱,刘贵杰,冯强,李心成,葛伟凤,吴奇兵,吴奇霖,纪仁杰,刘增凯,刘雪琳,盛朝洋,基于数字孪生的水下采油树系统剩余使用寿命预测方法及系统,授权日:2022.04.12,中国,ZL 202110752595.6

[6] 蔡宝平,邵筱焱,刘永红,孔祥地,范红艳,赵祎,王政达,王远东,赵丽倩,盛朝洋,刘增凯,纪仁杰,张彦振,李小朋,数字孪生驱动的海洋石油水下生产系统故障预测方法及系统,授权日:2022.03.25,中国,ZL 202010856388.0

[7] 蔡宝平,杨超,刘永红,孔祥地,赵祎,许宏奇,李心成,陈艳东,纪仁杰,刘增凯,刘立兵,张日奎,杨玉乾,刘士堂,魏新,一种海洋石油井控装备安全保障方法及系统,授权日:2021.11.02,中国,ZL 201910417095.X

[8] 蔡宝平,孔祥地,刘永红,邵筱焱,杨超,李文超,褚政德,赵祎,高春坦,张妍平,刘增凯,纪仁杰,张彦振,李小朋,数字孪生驱动的海洋石油水下生产系统故障诊断方法及系统,授权日:2021.04.27,中国,ZL 202010857259.3

[9] 蔡宝平,高春坦,刘永红,盛朝洋,张妍平,孔祥地,李文超,杨超,赵祎,纪仁杰,刘增凯,张彦振,一种全电驱动的井下安全阀及其数字孪生控制方法与系统,授权日:2021.04.06,中国,ZL 202010236159.9

[10] 蔡宝平,张妍平,刘永红,高春坦,邵筱焱,许宏奇,李心成,陈艳东,纪仁杰,刘增凯,刘立兵,张日奎,杨玉乾,刘士堂,魏新,一种海洋石油井控装备的宏观弹性评价方法及系统,授权日:2020.06.02,中国,ZL 201910416851.7

[11] 蔡宝平,高春坦,刘永红,盛朝洋,刘鹏,李心成,许宏奇,陈艳东,刘立兵,纪仁杰,刘增凯,张日奎,杨玉乾,刘士堂,魏新,一种全电驱动的井下安全阀,授权日:2020.04.17,中国,ZL 201910422782.0

[12] 蔡宝平,刘鹏,刘永红,袁晓兵,黄智前,魏晓璇,孙秀涛,水下采油树磁耦合式电动执行器,授权日:2019.07.19,中国,ZL201810459112.1

[13] 蔡宝平,刘鹏,刘永红,袁晓兵,孔祥地,郝科科,邵筱焱,水下全电采油树电动井口连接器,授权日:2019.04.23,中国,ZL201810459252.9

[14] 蔡宝平,刘永红,袁晓兵,纪仁杰,薛海涛,王家兴,黄磊,李小朋,水下全电采油树智能化容错式控制系统,授权日:2018.04.10,中国,ZL2017103641468

[15] 蔡宝平,刘永红,袁晓兵,纪仁杰,王家兴,薛海涛,黄磊,李小朋,水下全电采油树紧急备用控制系统,授权日:2018.04.20,中国,ZL2017103676791

[16] 蔡宝平,刘永红,纪仁杰,李怀文,张全胜,董长银,刘乙奇,双梯形缝筛管等离子加工生产线智能化综合故障诊断系统,授权日:2018.03.30,中国,ZL2017107062337

[17] 蔡宝平,刘永红,纪仁杰,李怀文,张全胜,董长银,刘乙奇,双梯形缝筛管等离子加工生产线智能化综合故障诊断方法,授权日:2018.03.27,中国,ZL2017107627559

[18] 蔡宝平,刘永红,冯强,郝科科,孔祥地,邵筱焱,孙秀涛,薛海涛,王家兴,基于可用度的水下生产系统弹性评估方法及系统,授权日:2018.03.30,中国,ZL2017107678885

[19] 蔡宝平,刘永红,马云鹏,许宏奇,袁晓兵,刘增凯,纪仁杰,黄磊,赵玉斌,展宝成,深水防喷器实时可靠性评估系统,授权日:2017.05.10,中国,ZL201610015293.X

[20] 蔡宝平,刘永红,马云鹏,袁晓兵,纪仁杰,肖茵,黄磊,刘增凯,赵玉斌,展宝成,水下全电采油树系统一体式电动执行器,授权日:2017.04.05,中国,ZL 201610038305.0

[21] 蔡宝平,黄磊,刘永红,袁晓兵,马云鹏,赵玉斌,展宝成,刘增凯,纪仁杰,郭晓晓,水下采油树智能监测与动态故障诊断系统,授权日:2017.04.05,中国,ZL201610015323.7

[22] 蔡宝平,刘永红,许宏奇,刘增凯,陈艳东,纪仁杰,张云卫,范谦,马云鹏,展宝成,深水防喷器系统的黑匣子,授权日:2014.08.06,中国,ZL201310699027.X

[23] 蔡宝平,刘永红,艾白布·阿不力米提,许宏奇,刘增凯,田晓洁,纪仁杰,一种深水防喷器控制阀,授权日:2014.06.11,中国,ZL201110371612.8

[24] 刘可扬,蔡宝平,刘永红,高春坦,盛朝洋,史明伟,陈明新,杨子琪,杨骏,李敬昊,张妍平,李文超,一种全电驱动的井下安全阀及其冗余控制系统,授权日:2022.07.29,中国,ZL 202110170712.8

[25] 陈明新,蔡宝平,杨俊,刘可扬,杨子琪,王远东,张妍平,孔祥地,高春坦,盛朝洋,一种全电控井下安全阀的视情维修方法,授权日:2022.05.20,中国,ZL202110928266.2

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[1] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu, Yanping Zhang, Chuantan Gao, Xiaoyan Shao, Hongqi Xu, Xincheng Li, Yandong Chen, Renjie Ji, Zengkai Liu, Libing Liu, Rikui Zhang, Yuqian Yang, Shitang Liu, Xin Wei, Method and system for evaluation macro resilience of offshore oil well control equipment, 授权日: 2024.03.05, 美国, US11922335B2

[2] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu, Xiaoyan Shao, Guijie Liu, Qiang Feng, Qilin Wu, Weifeng Ge, Xincheng Li, Qibing Wu, Xiaolu Wu, Rui He, Zhexian Zou, Honghui Wang, Hongyan Fan, Subsea Christmas tree re-prediction method integrating Kalman filter and Bayesian network, 授权日: 2023.09.26, 美国, US11768976B2

[3] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu, Chao Yang, Xiangdi Kong, Yi Zhao, Hongqi Xu, Xincheng Li, Yandong Chen, Renjie Ji, Zengkai Liu, Libing Liu, Rikui Zhang, Yuqian Yang, Shitang Liu, Xin Wei, Method and system for guaranteeing safety of offshore oil well control equipment, 授权日: 2022.05.31, 美国, US11346200B2

[4] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu, Wenchao Li, Xiangdi Kong, Xiaoyan Shao, Hongqi Xu, Xincheng Li, Yandong Chen, Renjie Ji, Zengkai Liu, Libing Liu, Rikui Zhang, Yuqian Yang, Shitang Liu, Xin Wei, Method for assessing safety integrity level of offshore oil well control equipment, 授权日: 2022.02.08, 美国, US11243509B2

[5] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu, Chuntan Gao, Chaoyang Sheng, Peng Liu, Xincheng Li, Hongqi Xu, Yandong Chen, Libing Liu, Renjie Ji, Zengkai Liu, Rikui Zhang, Yuqian Yang, Shitang Liu, Xin Wei, Fully-electrically driven downhole safety valve, 授权日: 2021.04.27, 美国, US10989019B2

[6] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu, Hongyan Fan, Xiaoyan Shao, Guijie Liu, Qiang Feng, Xincheng Li, Weifeng Ge, Qibing Wu, Qilin Wu, Xiaolu Wu, Rui He, Zhexian Zou, Zengkai Liu, Honghui Wang, Remaining useful life prediction method and system of subsea Christmas tree system based on digital twin, 授权日:2021.09.29,澳大利亚,2021105665

[7] Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu, Yuandong Wang, Guijie Liu, Qiang Feng, Qilin Wu, Weifeng Ge, Xincheng Li, Qibing Wu, Xiaolu Wu, Rui He, Zhexian Zou, Honghui Wang, Yanping Zhang, Condition-based maintenance method and system for subsea tree system based on remaining useful life prediction, 授权日:2021.09.02,澳大利亚,2021104410

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[1] 2023年,国家杰青

[2] 2023年,北京市科学技术进步奖,二等奖,排名第3

[3] 2023年,全球前2%顶尖科学家(2020-2023连续四年)

[4] 2023年,中国专利优秀奖,排名第1

[5] 2023年,日内瓦国际发明展,特别嘉许金奖(2项),排名第1

[6] 2022年,山东省杰青

[7] 2022年,山东省自然科学奖,二等奖,排名第1

[8] 2022年,海洋工程科学技术奖(基础研究类),一等奖,排名第1

[9] 2022年,山东青年创新榜样

[10] 2022年,山东省省级教学成果奖,特等奖,排名第3

[11] 2022年,山东省省级教学成果奖,一等奖,排名第7

[12] 2021年,山东省科学技术进步奖,一等奖,排名第2

[13] 2021年,青岛西海岸新区领军人才

[14] 2020年,中国机械工业技术发明奖,二等奖,排名第2

[15] 2020年,青岛市自然科学奖,二等奖,排名第2

[16] 2019年,山东省泰山学者青年专家

[17] 2019年,IEEE Access杰出副主编奖

[18] 2018年,第十一届青岛市青年科技奖

[19] 2018年,山东省省级教学成果奖,一等奖,排名第4

[20] 2018年,中国石油和化学工业联合会技术发明奖,三等奖,排名第2

[21] 2017年,首届中国高校科技成果交易会成果创新奖,排名第1

[22] 2016年,山东省优秀博士后

[23] 2015年,香江学者

[24] 2014年,青岛(西海岸)黄岛新区首批紧缺人才

[25] 2014年,山东省优秀博士学位论文奖


[1] 海洋物探及勘探开发装备国家工程研究中心副主任

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