郑 超 | |
特任教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师 | |
欧盟玛丽·居里学者 英国牛顿学者 德国洪堡学者 山东省泰山学者青年专家 | |
邮箱:zhengchao@upc.edu.cn 办公地点:工科楼E609 | |
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2007.9-2011.7 | 中国石油大学(华东),机械设计制造及其自动化,工学学士 |
2011.9-2018.7 | 中国石油大学(华东),机械工程,工学博士 |
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2018.12-2020.11 | 英国萨里大学,工科与物理学院,英国牛顿学者 |
2020.12-2022.11 | 英国萨里大学,工科与物理学院,欧盟玛丽·居里学者 |
2023.7-至今 | 中国石油大学(华东),机电工程学院,光华学者特任教授 |
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[1]油气装备制造 [2] 非常规油气开采 [3] 多相流动
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[1] 现代制造技术 [2] 油气装备工程 [3] 石油钻采概论
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[1] 欧盟地平线-2020研究与创新框架玛丽·居里学者计划项目,2020.12-2022.11 [2] 德国洪堡学者基金项目,2019.12-2021.05 [3] 英国皇家学会牛顿学者计划项目,2018.12-2020.11 [4] 山东省泰山学者工程专项经费资助,2023.01-2025.12 [5] 山东省优秀青年基金项目(海外),2024.05-2027.04 [6] 中国石油大学(华东)自主创新项目, 2023.10-2028.09
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[1] Enabling scale-flexible process development for continuous solid-dosage manufacturing towards Pharma 4.0, Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO) of Belgium, 2020.9-2023.8. [2] Combined experimental and numerical study of powder flow during pharmaceutical manufacturing, Genentech Inc., in USA, 2019.10-2022.9.
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[1] Chao Zheng, Xinlei Wu, Xuefei Zheng, Hui Jin, Yonghong Liu. Mechanical properties and wear behavior of a dissolvable magnesium alloy used for multistage fracturing. Wear 2021; 466-467: 203559. (中科院一区TOP) [2] Chao Zheng, Yonghong Liu, Jie Qin, Cheng Chen, Renjie Ji. Wear behavior of HVOF sprayed WC coating under water-in-oil fracturing fluid condition. Tribology International 2017; 115: 28-34. (中科院一区TOP) [3] Chao Zheng, Zeng-Kai Liu, Xin-Lei Wu, Abulimiti Aibaibu, Jie Qin, Xue-Fei Zheng, Yong-Hong Liu. Effect of structural parameters on the setting performance of plug slips during hydraulic fracturing. Petroleum Science 2022; 19(2): 731-742. (中科院一区) [4] Chao Zheng, Yonghong Liu, Cheng Chen, Jie Qin, Renjie Ji, Baoping Cai. Numerical study of impact erosion of multiple solid particle. Applied Surface Science 2017; 423: 176-184. (中科院一区) [5] Chao Zheng, Yonghong Liu, Hanxiang Wang, Hengyu Zhu, Renjie Ji, Zengkai Liu, Yang Shen. Research on the effect of gas nitriding treatment on the wear resistance of ball seat used in multistage fracturing. Materials & Design 2015; 70: 45-52. (中科院一区) [6] Chao Zheng, Liang Li, Bernardus Joseph Nitert, Nicolin Govender, Thomas Chamberlain, Ling Zhang, Chuan-Yu Wu. Investigation of granular dynamics in a continuous blender using the GPU-enhanced Discrete Element Method. Powder Technology 2022; 412: 117968. (中科院二区TOP) [7] Chao Zheng, Nicolin Govender, Ling Zhang, Chuan-Yu Wu. GPU-enhanced DEM analysis of flow behaviour of irregularly shaped particles in a full-scale twin screw granulator. Particuology 2022; 61: 30-40. (中科院二区) [8] Chao Zheng, Xuefei Zheng, Jie Qin, Peng Liu, Abulimiti Aibaibu, Yonghong Liu. Nonlinear finite element analysis on the sealing performance of rubber packer for hydraulic fracturing. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2021; 85: 103711. (中科院二区TOP) [9] Chao Zheng, Yonghong Liu, Hanxiang Wang, Cheng Chen, Jie Qin, Zengkai Liu, Yang Shen. Numerical simulation of the conveyance characteristics of fracturing ball in the horizontal section. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2016; 34: 401-411. (中科院二区TOP) [10] Chao Zheng, Yonghong Liu, Hanxiang Wang, Hengyu Zhu, Zengkai Liu, Renjie Ji, Yang Shen. Structural optimization of downhole fracturing tool using turbulent flow CFD simulation. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2015; 133: 218-225. (中科院二区TOP)
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[1] Chao Zheng, Mohammadreza Alizadeh Behjani, Jiawei Hu, Chuan-Yu Wu. Discrete Element Modelling of Pharmaceutical Powder Handling Processes. Simulations in Bulk Solids Handling: Applications of DEM and other Methods. Wiley, 2023.
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[1] 多路高低压复合等离子钻井控制系统,授权时间:2023.6.27,发明专利号:ZL 2020 1 0584422.3 [2] 上游泵送机械密封流体动压槽的增材制造装置,授权时间:2017.4.5,发明专利号:ZL201510329784.7 [3] 上游泵送机械密封的纳米增材制造方法,授权时间:2017.3.29,发明专利号:ZL201510325287.X
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[1] 欧盟玛丽·居里学者 [2] 英国牛顿学者 [3] 德国洪堡学者 [4] 山东省泰山学者青年专家 [5] 山东省优青(海外) [6] 中国石油大学(华东)光华学者 [7] 山东省优秀博士学位论文
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[1] 欧洲研究理事会基金评审员 [2] 英国皇家学会牛顿学者国际学会会员 [3] 欧盟玛丽·居里学者学会会员 [4] 中国机械工程学会会员 [5] Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Petroleum Science, Powder Technology, Tribology International等国内 外多个杂志的审稿专家。 |