王彦富 | |
教授 博士生导师 玛丽居里学者 | |
邮箱:66923203@qq.com 电话:86983500-8715 办公地点:工科E715 | |
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[1] 海洋平台火灾定量风险评估 [2] 海洋平台应急疏散 [3] 船舶碰撞风险评估 [4] 智能化工园区 | |
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[1] 国家自然科学基金-面上项目,52171353,基于多智能体的海洋平台火灾环境人员疏散动力学规律及决策优化,2022.01-2025.1 2,58万,在研,主持 [2] 欧洲研究委员会“Horizon 2020”,H2020-MSCA-IF-2018-840425,Emergency Decision Support System of Offshore Plat form Fires,2020.01-2022.12,22.5万欧元,在研,主持 [3] 横向科研项目,HX20211163,低烟无卤热塑性弹性体材料耐高温阻燃性能研究与开发,2021.11-2026.11,200万元,在研,主 持 [4] 科技成果转换转化,HX20211299,考虑烟气影响的火灾疏散路径动态优化与可视方法,2021.12-2038.06,100万元,在研,主 持 [5] 青岛市科技惠民专项,21-1-4-sf-3-nsh,化工园区安全环保一体化风险防控技术及其应用研究,2021.01-2022.12,50万元,在 研,主持 [6] 山东省自然科学基金-面上项目,ZR2019MEE080,基于虚拟仿真技术和动态风险评估的海洋平台火灾应急决策研究,2019.06- 2022.06,15万元,结题,主持 [7] 山东省重点研发项目, 2018GSF120021,基于海洋平台火灾时空演变和动态风险的应急决策支持系统研究, 2018.01-2019.12, 15万,结题,主持 [8] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金-自主创新项目,17CX02062, 基于虚拟仿真技术的深水钻井平台火灾应急决策支持系统, 2017.01-2019.12,15万,结题,主持 [9] 2016年安全生产重大事故防治关键技术科技项目,Gaoxiao-003-2016Q , 深水井喷事故定量分析与应急作业优化研究,2016- 2018,结题,主持 [10] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,51409260 ,基于人因组织因素分析的海洋平台火灾爆炸动态风险评估方法研究,2015/01- 2017/12 ,25万元,结题,主持 [11] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金-科技专项,14CX05035A, 基于系统动力学模型的海洋平台火灾爆炸风险评估方法研究, 2014.05-2016.05,18万,结题,主持 [12] 山东省自然科学基金-面上项目,ZR2012EEM023, 顶部开口半敞开式隧道火灾试验与数值模拟研究,2012.07-2015.07,8万, 结题,主持 | |
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[1] Yan-Fu Wang. Dynamic optimisation of evacuation route in the fire scenarios of offshore drilling platforms. Ocean Engineering. 2022, 247: 110564. (二区TOP) [2] Yan-Fu Wang. Reliabilities analysis of evacuation on offshore platforms: A dynamic Bayesian Network model. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2021, 150: 179–193. [3] Yan-Fu Wang. Modelling ship collision risk based on the statistical analysis of historical data: A case study in Hong Kong waters. Ocean Engineering. 2020: 197:106869. (二区TOP) [4] Yan-Fu Wang. Blowout fire probability prediction of offshore drilling platform based on system dynamics. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries. 2019, 62: 103960. [5] Yan-Fu Wang. Probability prediction and cost benefit analysis based on system dynamics. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2018, 114: 271-278. [6] Yan-Fu Wang. Small-scale experimental and theoretical analysis on maximum temperature beneath ceiling in tunnel fire with vertical shafts. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2017, 114:537–544. (二区TOP) [7] Yan-Fu Wang. Fire probability prediction of offshore platform based on Dynamic Bayesian Network. Ocean Engineering. 2017, 145: 112-123. (二区TOP) [8] Yan-Fu Wang. Thermal buoyant smoke back-layering length in a naturally ventilated tunnel with vertical shafts. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2016, 93: 947–957. (二区TOP) [9] Yan-Fu Wang. Simulation of back-layering length in tunnel fire with vertical shafts. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2016, 109:344-350. (二区TOP) [10] Yan-Fu Wang. Full-scale Fire Experiments and Simulation of Tunnel with Vertical Shafts. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2016, 105: 243–255. (二区TOP) [11] Yan-Fu Wang. Quantitative risk analysis of offshore fire and explosion based on the analysis of human and organizational factors. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2015: 537362. [12] Yan-Fu Wang. Maximum Temperature of Smoke Beneath Ceiling in Tunnel Fire with Vertical Shafts. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2015, 50:189–198. [13] Yan-Fu Wang.Accident Analysis Model Based on Bayesian Network and Evidential Reasoning Approach. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries. 2013, 16:10-21. [14] Yan-Fu Wang. Approach to Integrate Fuzzy Fault Tree with Bayesian Network. Procedia Engineering. 2012, 45:131 - 138. [15] Yan-Fu Wang. Investigation Human and Organizational Factors in Hazardous Vapor Accidents. Journal of Hazardous Material. 2011,191:69-82. (一区TOP) [16] Yan-Fu Wang. Probability analysis of offshore fire by incorporating human and organizational factor. Ocean Engineering. 2011, 38: 2042–2055. (二区TOP) [17] Yan-Fu Wang. Quantitative risk assessment through hybrid causal logic approach. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part O: Journal of Risk & Reliability. 2011, 225:1-10. [18] Yan-Fu Wang. Quantitative risk assessment using hybrid causal logic model. International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Analysis Psa. 2011, 1:121-133 [19] Yan-Fu Wang.Diesel oil pool fire characteristic under natural ventilation conditions in the tunnel with roof openings. Journal of Hazardous Material. 2009, 166:469-477. (一区TOP) [20] Yan-Fu Wang.Full-scale experiment research and theoretical study for fires in tunnel with roof openings. Fire Safety Journal. 2009, 44:339-348. | |
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[1] 考虑人因失误和组织缺陷的海洋平台火灾风险评估方法(ZL201611246035.9) [2] 考虑烟气影响的火灾疏散路径动态优化与可视方法(ZL201810676890.6) [3] 一种基于数据挖掘的船舶碰撞风险评估方法及系统(ZL201710051171.0) [4] 一种新型深水井喷应急井控系统及其作业流程(ZL201610312640.5) [5] 一种顶部竖井自然通风隧道模型的火灾试验方法(ZL201510183301.7) [6] 高焊接强度冰箱密封条用热塑性弹性体材料及其制备方法(ZL201510256912.X) [7] 软件著作--海洋平台火灾应急疏散决策支持系统(2020SR0091486)
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[1] 青岛市科技进步二等奖(2019)、青岛市科学技术奖三等奖(2016)和职业安全与健康协会科技进步奖三等奖(2012)各一项; [2] 荣获“玛丽居里学者”称号与青岛西海岸新区优秀青年人才称号(2017)
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中国系统工程学会系统可靠性工程专业委员会委员、IEEE国际电气和电子工程师协会会员、职业安全健康协会会员、中国运筹学会可靠性分会理事、山东省应急产业协会安全与应急专家。 |