徐长航 | |
教授 博士生导师 | |
机电工程学院副院长 | |
邮箱:changhangxu@upc.edu.cn 电话:0532-86983016 办公地点:工科楼E907-1 | |
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1994.09-1998.07 | 中国石油大学(华东)机械设计及制造专业,工学学士 |
1998.09-2005.01 | 中国石油大学(华东)机械设计及理论专业,工学博士
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2005.01-2009.12 | 中国石油大学(华东),讲师 |
2009.12-2018.12 | 中国石油大学(华东),副教授 |
2015.04-2015.11 | 美国休斯敦大学,访问学者 |
2018.12-至今 | 中国石油大学(华东),教授 |
2021.09-至今 | 中国石油大学(华东)机电工程学院,副院长
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主要从事安全检测与智慧安全方面的研究,具体研究方向包括: [1] 无损检测/结构健康监测技术 [2] 油气泄漏监测及智能预警方法 [3] 智能化风险分析与评估 招生方向包括: [1] 学术博士:油气安全工程;安全工程信息化技术;海洋油气安全技术 [2] 工程博士:资源与环境-安全工程 [3] 学术硕士:油气安全工程;安全工程信息化技术;海洋油气安全技术 [4] 工程硕士:资源与环境-安全工程
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[1] 本科生课程:《安全工程信息化技术》(国家级一流本科课程) [2] 本科生课程:《智能安全工程》 [3] 硕士生课程:《风险工程学》(山东省研究生优质课程) [4] 博士生课程:《油气安全工程》
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[1] 井控设备泄漏的声-热-应力波联合监测及智能化预警系统,国家重点研发计划专项课题,专题负责人,2023-2026 [2] 复合材料电杆结构缺陷的红外热成像检测,胜利油田企业合作课题,负责人,2023-2024 [3] 超深水多用途柔性管无损检测、智能监测与试验验证研究,国家重点研发计划专项课题,专题负责人,2016-2021 [4] 海洋油气开采工艺设施安全及完整性检测、监测技术及装备,国家重点研发计划专项课题,专题负责人,2017-2021 [5] 临海油气管道和陆上终端设施检验评价与安全保障技术,国家重点研发计划专项课题,参与,2016-2021 [6] 海洋天然气水合物试采过程安全监测及风险评估技术,国家重点研发计划专项课题,参与,2016-2021 [7] FRP粘接界面紧密贴合型缺陷的超声红外热波检测方法研究,山东省自然科学基金项目,主持,2019-2022 [8] 海洋平台消防系统综合性能评估,中石化海检公司,主持,2022-2023 [9] 玻璃钢老化性能声发射检测技术,中石化胜利油田检测中心, 主持,2022-2023。 [10] CFRP修复油气工艺设施红外热波检测技术,中石化胜利油田检测中心, 主持,2021-2022 [11] 天然气水合物钻采作业安全评估与风险控制技术研究,中国石油天然气集团有限公司,主持,2019-2023 [12] 油气管道事故案例汇编,中石油西部管道公司,主持,2018 [13] 井控装置活性缺陷检测技术研究,中石化胜利油田检测中心, 主持,2017-2018 [14] 典型安全评价方法在油气管道行业的应用,中石油西部管道公司,主持,2019 [15] 管道系统与压力容器主材料低温性能参数获取实验及比较分析,中国石油气电集团有限责任公司,主持,2019
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[1] Yubin Zhang, Changhang Xu*, Pengqian Liu, Jing Xie, Rui Liu, Qing Zhao. Enhanced recognition of bonding interface defects within CFRP-steel adhesive structures via thermal signals in low-power vibrothermography. Construction and Building Materials, 2024 [2] Jing Xie*, Wenao Wang, Changhang Xu, Mingfu Fu, Weiping Huang. Two-step feature extraction of acoustic emission signals for leakage detection of valves in gas pipelines. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2024 [3] Rui Liu, Changhang Xu,*, Pengqian Liu, Yubin Zhang, Jing Xie, Yage Han, Longbo Wang, Qing Zhao. Eddy current pulsed thermography with an inductive heating layer (ECPT-IHL) for subsurface defect detection in GFRP materials. Composites Part B,2024 [4] Yubin Zhang, Changhang Xu*, Pengqian Liu, Rui Liu, Qing Zhao, Longbo Wang, Jing Xie. Experimental Investigation on the Inspection of Cracks on Threaded Surfaces Using Electromagnetic Thermography. Defektoskopiâ, 2024. [5] Zhiyuan Zhang, Changhang Xu*, Jing Xie, Xueying Sun, Wenao Wang, Na Li. Damage characterization of CFRP /steel double-lap bonded joints based on AE and DIC. Composite Structures, 2024. [6] Pengqian Liu, Changhang Xu*, Yubin Zhang, Lina Chen, Rui Liu, Longbo Wang, Qing Zhao. A combined inspection technique for debonding defects in CFRP-strengthened steel structures based on leaky Lamb wave and low-power vibrothermography. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2024. [7] Lina Chen, Yubin Zhang, Jing Xie, Pengqian Liu, Yage Han, Rui Liu, Changhang Xu*, Gangbing Song. Simultaneous inspection of multi-kind defects in adhesively bonded CFRP/steel structures by inductive thermography. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2024. [8] Pengqian Liu, Changhang Xu*, Yubin Zhang, Lina Chen, Yage Han, Rui Liu, Yi Qin. Detection and quantification of corrosion defects in CFRP-strengthened steel structures based on low-power vibrothermography. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2024. [9] Yubin Zhang, Changhang Xu*, Pengqian Liu, Jing Xie, Yage Han, Rui Liu, Lina Chen. One-dimensional deep convolutional autoencoder active infrared thermography: Enhanced visualization of internal defects in FRP composites. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2024. [10] Zhiyuan Zhang, Changhang Xu*, Jing Xie, Yuan Zhang, Pengqian Liu, Zichen Liu. MFCC- LSTM framework for leak detection and leak size identification in gas-liquid two-phase flow pipelines based on acoustic emission. Measurement, 2023. [11] Xiaoshu Qin, Shanshan Lv, Changhang Xu, Jing Xie, Lei Jia, Qingmei Sui, Mingshun Jiang*. Implications of liquid impurities filled in breaking cracks on nonlinear acoustic modulation response: Mechanisms, phenomena and potential applications. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023. [12] Jing Xie, Yubin Zhang, Zhanyou He, Pengqian Liu, Yi Qin, Zhaolong Wang, Changhang Xu*. Automated leakage detection method of pipeline networks under complicated backgrounds by combining infrared thermography and Faster R-CNN technique. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2023. [13] Pengqian Liu, Changhang Xu*, Yubin Zhang, Yi Qin, Yinsheng Xu, Jing Xie, Gangbing Song. Low-power vibrothermography detection technique for surface cracks on composite sucker rod. Smart Materials and Structures, 2023. [14] Pengqian Liu, Changhang Xu*, Jing Xie, Mingfu Fu, Yifei Chen, Zichen Liu, Zhiyuan Zhang. A CNN-based transfer learning method for leakage detection of pipeline under multiple working conditions with AE signals. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2023. [15] ing Xie, Changhang Xu*, Changwei Wu, Lemei Gao, Guoming Chen, Guozhen Li, Gangbing Song. Visualization of defects in CFRP-reinforced steel structures using improved eddy current pulsed thermography. Automation in Construction, 2023. [16] Chaojie Wang, Xiaowei Li, Lutan Liu, Zexiang Tang, Changhang Xu. Dynamic effect of gas initial desorption in coals with different moisture contents and energy-controlling mechanism for outburst prevention of water injection in coal seams. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2023. [17] Jing Xie, Changhang Xu*, Guoming Chen, Weiping Huang, Gangbing Song. Automated identification of front/rear surface cracks in ferromagnetic metals based on eddy current pulsed thermography. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2022,126. [18] Chaojie Wang,Xiaowei Li, Changhang Xu, Yujia Chen, Zexiang Tang, Chao Zhang, Yang Du, Xiangyang Gao, Chenglin Jiang. Dynamic Characterization during Gas Initial Desorption of Coal Particles and Its Influence on the Initiation of Coal and Gas Outbursts. Processes, 2021, 9[7]. [19] Jing Xie, Changwei Wu, Lemei Gao, Changhang Xu*, Yinsheng Xu, Guoming Chen. Detection of internal defects in CFRP strengthened steel structures using eddy current pulsed thermography, Construction and Building Materials, 2021,282. [20] Chaojie Wang, Xiaowei, Li, Changhang Xu, Yue, Niu, Yujia, Chen,, et al. Study on factors influencing and the critical value of the drilling cuttings weight: an index for outburst risk prediction. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2020, 140: 356-366. [21] Xiaoshu Qin, Siqi Zhang, Changhang Xu*, Jing Xie, Guoming Chen, Gangbing Song. Detection of surface breaking cracks filled with solid impurities using a baseline-free NEWS-TR method, IEEE ACCESS, 2020. [22] Changhang Xu*, Wuyang zhang, Changwei Wu, Jing Xie, Xiaokang Yin, Guoming Chen. An improved method of eddy current pulsed thermography to detect subsurface defects in glass fiber reinforced polymer composites. Composite Structures, 2020. [23] Changhang Xu*, Shasha Du, Piao Gong, Jing Xie, Guoming Chen, Gangbing Song. An improved method for pipeline leakage localization with a single sensor based on modal acoustic emission and empirical mode decomposition with Hilbert transform. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020. [24] Jihao Shi, Yuangjiang Chang, Changhang Xu, Faisal Khan*, Guoming Chen, Chuankun Li. Real-time leak detection using an infrared camera and Faster R-CNN technique. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2020. [25] Tao Lyu, Changhang Xu*, Guoming Chen, Yipei Zhao, Tantan Zhao, Qingyang Li. Punch-Through Risk of Jack-Up Under the Dual Uncertainty of Structure and Foundation. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. 2019, 142[2]:1-25. [26] Xinhong Li, Guoming Chen, Faisal Khan, Changhang Xu. Dynamic risk assessment of subsea pipelines leak using precursor data. Ocean Engineering. 2019, 178:156-169. [27] Yang Du, Fan Zhou, Wei Hu, Li Ma, Changhang Xu, Guoming Chen. Dynamic response and crack propagation of pre-flawed square tube under internal hydrogen-oxygen detonation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2019, 44[40]. [28] Tao Lyu*, Changhang Xu*, Guoming Chen, Qingyang Li, Tantan Zhao, Yipei Zhao. Health state inversion of Jack-up structure based on feature learning of damage information. Engineering Structures, 2019, 186:131-145. [29] Tao Lyu, Changhang Xu*, Guoming Chen, Yipei Zhao, Qingyang Li, Tantan Zhao. Reliability of Jack-up against Punch-through using Failure State Intelligent Recognition Technique. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2019. [30] Xinhong Li, Guoming Chen, Yuanjiang Chang, Changhang Xu. Risk-based operation safety analysis during maintenance activities of subsea pipelines. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2018. [31] Yang Du, Fan Zhou, Li Ma, Jingyang Zheng, Changhang Xu, Guoming Chen. Consequence analysis of premixed flammable gas explosion occurring in pipe using a coupled fluid-structure-fracture approach. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2018. [32] Yang Du, Fan Zhou, Li Ma, Jingyang Zheng, Changhang Xu, Guoming Chen. Dynamic fracture response of pre-flawed elbow pipe subjected to internal hydrogen-oxygen detonation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018 43[42]. [33] Xinhong Li, Guoming Chen, Renren Zhang, Hongwei Zhu, Changhang Xu. Simulation and assessment of gas dispersion above sea from a subsea release: A CFD-based approach. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 2018. [34] Xinhong Li, Guoming Chen, Hongwei Zhu, Changhang Xu. Gas dispersion and deflagration above sea from subsea release and its impact on offshore platform. Ocean Engineering, 2018.157. [35] Ruochen Yang, Faisal Khan, Ming Yang, Depeng Kong, Changhang Xu. A numerical fire simulation approach for effectiveness analysis of fire safety measures in floating liquefied natural gas facilities. Ocean Engineering, 2018,157:219-233. [36] Jianchao Wu, Changhang Xu, Baoxin Qi, Francisco C. Robles Hernandez. Detection of Impact Damage on PVA-ECC Beam Using Infrared Thermography. Applied Sciences, 2018, 8[5]:839. [37] Xinhong Li, Guoming Chen, Shengyu Jiang, Rui He, Changhang Xu, Hongwei Zhu. Developing a dynamic model for risk analysis under uncertainty: Case of third-party damage on subsea pipelines. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2018 54, 289-302. [38] Jing Xie, Changhang Xu*, Guoming Chen, Weiping Huang. Improving visibility of rear surface cracks during inductive thermography of metal plates using Autoencoder. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2018,91,233-242. [39] Changhang Xu*, Jing Xie, Changwei Wu, Lemei Gao, Guoming Chen, Gangbing Song. Enhancing visibility of delamination during pulsed thermography of CFRP using stacked Autoencoders. Sensors, 2018. [40] Changhang, Xu*, Jing Xie, Weiping, Huang, Guoming Chen, Xie, Xumei, Gong. Improving defect visibility in square pulse thermography of metallic components using correlation analysis. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018, 103, 162-173. [41] Weijie Li, Changhang Xu, Siu Chun Michael Ho, Bo Wang, Gangbing Song. Monitoring Concrete Deterioration Due to Reinforcement Corrosion by Integrating Acoustic Emission and FBG Strain Measurements. Sensors 2017, 17[3], 657. [42] Changhang Xu*, Jing Xie, Wuyang Zhang, Qingzhao Kong, Guoming Chen, Gangbing Song. Experimental Investigation on the Detection of Multiple Surface Cracks Using Vibrothermography with a Low-Power Piezoceramic Actuator. Sensors, 2017,17. [43] Changhang Xu*, Xumei Gong, Wuyang Zhang, Guoming Chen. An Investigation on Eddy Current Pulsed Thermography to Detect Surface Cracks on the Tungsten Carbide Matrix of Polycrystalline Diamond Compact Bit. Applied Sciences, 2017,7[04]. [44] Seyed Mohammad Parvasi, Changhang Xu, Qingzhao Kong, Gangbing Song, Detection of multiple thin surface cracks using vibrothermography with low-power piezoceramic-based ultrasonic actuator – A numerical study with experimental verification, Smart Materials and Structures,2016,25[5]. [45] Jing, Xie; Changhang, Xu*, Xumei, Gong, Weiping, Huang, Guoming, Chen. Sizing Subsurface Defects in Metallic Plates by Square Pulse Thermography Using an Oriented Gradient Map. Applied Sciences, 2016, 6[12]. [46] Changhang Xu*, Piao Gong, Jing Xie, Huandi Shi, Guoming Chen,Gangbing Song. An acoustic emission based multi-level approach to buried gas pipeline leakage localization. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2016.10.31,44:397-404. [47] Changhang Xu*, Naiwang Zhou, Jing Xie, Xuemei Gong, Guoming Chen, Gangbing Song. Investigation on eddy current pulsed thermography to detect hidden cracks on corroded metal surface, NDT&E International, 2016.7.14,84:24-35. [48] Changhang Xu*, Suping Ai, Jing Xie, Guoming Chen, Changji Li. Fatigue failure process characterization for carbon fiber sheet reinforced steel rods using the acoustic emission technique,Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation,2016.06.16,35[2]. [49] Mingda Wang, Qianlin Wang, Yuxin Liu, Changhang Xu. Research of a new reliability analysis method based on multilevel flow model and its application on the gas turbine compressor, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 2015.8.24,48[8]: 656-661. [50] Changhang Xu, Jing Xie*, Guoming Chen, Weiping Huang. An infrared thermal image processing framework based on superpixel algorithm to detect cracks on metal surface, Infrared Physics & Technology, 2014.11.01,67:266-272. [51] 张玉彬, 陈丽娜, 刘鹏谦, 赵擎, 刘蕊, 王龙博, 谢静, 徐长航. CFRP-钢胶接结构内部损伤的增强型电磁感应热成像检测. 复合材料学报,2024[09] [52] 徐长航*, 刘鹏谦, 李振兴, 杜莎莎, 张源. 基于声发射信号的气液两相流管道泄漏识别方法. 油气储运,2021[10]. [53] 吕涛, 徐长航*, 陈国明, 刘红兵. 穿刺工况自升式平台动力灾变特性研究,石油学报, 2016,37[11]. [54] 吕涛, 徐长航*, 陈国明, 赵康. 基于振动响应的导管架平台极限承载能力分析,中国石油大学学报[自然科学],2016,40[3]. [55] 徐长航*, 吕涛, 陈国明, 尹树孟. 自升式平台齿轮齿条升降机构错齿优化动力学分析, 机械工程学报,2014,50[19]. | |
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[1] 陈国明,徐长航,《安全工程信息化技术概论》,2009,中国石油大学出版社,
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[1] 基于堆栈自编码的气液两相流管道泄漏声发射检测方法[ZL 2019 1 1397375.5] [2] 阀门内漏缺陷类型识别与内漏速率计算的方法[ZL 2013 1 0459628.3] [3] 自航自升式风电运输安装船及风电机组的安装方法[ZL 2014 1 0392960.7] [4] 海洋平台复杂结构系统声发射源两阶段定位方法[ZL 2013 1 0435269.8] [5] 一种用于管道声发射检测的波导杆固定装置[ZL 2016 1 0603267.3] [6] 一种基于声发射的管道泄漏检测装置及单传感器定位方法[ZL 2013 1 0419583.7] [7] 基于声发射检测的埋地管道泄漏源多层次定位装置及方法[ZL 2015 1 0467850.7]
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[1] 突出煤层瓦斯精准治理高效防突关键技术及应用,中国职业安全健康协会,二等奖,2023,,6/9 [2] 高性能复合材料海洋管道及智能化监测系统的研发与应用,海洋工程科学技术奖,中国海洋工程咨询协会,二等奖,2023,5/9 [3] 深水柔性海管产品研发及工程应用,海洋工程科学技术奖,中国海洋工程咨询协会,特等奖,2019,5/10 [4] 复杂环境下油气生产管柱与集输管道安全保障关键技术及应用,中国石油和化学工业协会科技进步奖,一等奖,2018,2/15 [5] 化学工业园区火灾防止技术研究,公安部科技进步奖,二等奖,2017,6/9 [6] 尿素装置四大高压设备剩余寿命评价和运行风险控制技术研究,中国石油和化学工业协会科技进步奖,二等奖,2009,2/10 [7] 构建能源安全特色实践育人体系,培养工程创新卓越人才,中国石油教育学会石油高等教育成果二等奖,1/10 [8] 优势学科驱动的安全类专业一流创新人才培养体系探索与实践,中国石油教育学会石油高等教育成果一等奖,7/11 [9] 构建能源安全特色实践育人体系、培养工程创新卓越人才,校级教学成果一等奖,2023,1/10 [10] 《安全工程信息化技术》,国家级一流本科课程,2023,1/5 [11] 《安全工程信息化技术》,山东省一流本科课程,2020,1/5 [12] 《风险工程学》,山东省研究生教育优质课程,2019,1/5 [13] 构建“三环联动”育人模式,培养机械专业高阶性人才,山东省教学成果一等奖,2022,10/10 [14] 《安全工程信息化技术》,山东省精品课,2012,2/5 [15] 《安全工程信息化技术》,山东省成人高等教育特色课程, 2013,2/5 [16] 面向研究生创新能力培养的油气特色安全科学与工程课程建设及实践,中国石油大学(华东)第二届研究生教育教学成果奖,二等奖,2018,1/5 | |
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[1] 公共安全科学技术学会理事 [2] 中国职业安全健康协会会员
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