崔运静 | |
讲师 硕士生导师 | |
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邮箱:cuiyj@upc.edu.cn 电话:0532-86983300 办公地点:工科楼E907 | |
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1998.09-2002.07 | 石油大学(华东)化工设备与机械专业 |
2002.07-2005.07 2005.09-2009.08 2009.09-2012.06 | 石油大学(华东)机电工程学院化工过程机械专业硕士研究生 中国石油大学(华东)机电工程学院,助教 中国科学技术大学工程热物理专业,博士研究生
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2012.9至今 | 中国石油大学(华东)车辆工程系,讲师 |
2017.09至今 | 硕士研究生导师
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[1] 燃料射流雾化及燃烧 [2] 节能设备设计开发 [3] 高效低污染燃烧技术 [4] 汽车空气动力学 [5] 机械工程 [6] 动力工程及工程热物理
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[1] 必修课,热力学与发动机(汽车发动机原理)、机械设计基础、机械设计基础课程设计、Introduction To Advanced Automotive Technology(国际教育课); [2] 选修课,车辆空气动力学与造型、汽车计算机辅助工程、机械创新设计、机械设计基础。
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[1] 复杂环境电控柴油燃烧器设计理论研究(QT2021JX6048),外协项目84.6万元,2021.04 - 2021.05,主持; [2] 高原高寒地区主食加工方舱研发与应用示范(2017YFC0806303),国家重点研发计划子课题,国家科技部,主要负责人,2017.07-2021.12; [3] 基于低温排气隐身的MILD燃烧研究(13CX02078A),高校自主创新:教育部,主持人,2013.01-2014.12; [4] 江苏金鼎锅炉《高效超低排放燃烧技术及锅炉研制》项目,江苏省双创计划,2016.03-2018.06; [5] 电控柴油燃烧器关键技术及在后勤装备中的应用. AX113J001, 2015.01 - 2017.12,参与; [6] 完成东营某油气集输站螺杆泵管道振动流固耦合分析,2016年; [7] 中海油服《热采井完井管柱及关键工具工况模拟分析》(G1617B-B20C128),主要负责管道阀的瞬时耦合分析,2013.3-2015.12; [8] 大明蒸汽技改项目技术及经济性可行性分析,负责锅炉蒸汽经济性,2012-2013; [9] 山东省自然科学基金“错流射流中液滴蒸发模型研究”(2009ZRA05234),参与人,2009.6-2012.6; [10] “天然气水合物钻探取心关键技术”子课题(2006AA09A207),国家863计划,参与。 教学项目: [11] 《汽车动力学与控制技术》教学案例库.山东省优质专业学位教学案例库建设项目,参与,2023年.; [12] 淬炼基础课程高阶性,熔铸国家级一流金课. 校级教改项目,参与,2020-2022; [13] 机械设计基础. 山东省课程思政建设示范课程,4/7,参与,2022年; [14] 基于大学生能力培养的《机械创新设计实践》课程体系研究与实践. 校级教改项目,参与,2016-2018; [15] 面向工程教育的机械设计基础特色化教学体系设计与实践. 山东省教改面上项目,参与,2015.12-2017.12; [16] 基于艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线的“持续学习”课堂教学模式的研究(QN201410),校教改项目,主持,2014.6-2016.6; [17] 机械设计基础研究性教学方法研究与实践,校级一般教改,参与,2014.09-2015.12; [18] 《机械设计基础多元化考试改革》校级重点1项,参与,2014.03-2015.02。
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[1] Kai Xie, Yanzhao Li, Yanqin Wang, Gan Cui, Yunjing Cui, et al. Investigation of the mechanism of global and terminal flame uplifted in subsonic horizontal spray jet flame under sub-atmospheric pressure: From macroscopic to microscopic perspective [J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, online 26 May 2023, 108435,(SCI二区); [2] Kai Xie, Jie Zhang, Changlin Qin, Xiufeng Tan, Yunjing Cui. Numerical study on flame and emission characteristics of a small flue gas self-circulation diesel burner with different spray cone angles [J]. Thermal Science, 2022,Vol.26, No. 1A(SCI三区); [3] Kai Xie, Yunjing Cui, Jianxin Wang, et al. Theoretical and numerical investigation of heat transfer characteristics of an integrated cookstove under different atmospheric pressures based on theoretical models of solid flame and impingement heat transfer[J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer,2021,127, 105524(SCI二区); [4] Kai Xie, Yunjing Cui, Chunlin Wang, et al. Study on threshold selection method of continuous flame images of spray combustion in the low-pressure chamber[J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering,2021, 26, 101195(SCI二区); [5] Yijian Sheng, He Liu*, Yunjing Cui*,et al. Study on flame adaptability method of an integrated Chinese cooking stove research based on the synergetic theory[J].2022, Energy Reports, Vol.8, (11):13226-13234 (SCI二区); [6] Guanghai Gao, Yunjing Cui, Xingqi Qiu. Prediction of vortex-induced vibration response of deep sea top-tensioned riser in sheared flow considering parametric excitations[J].Polish Maritime Research, 2020, 27(2): 48-57. (SCI四区); [7] Kai Xie*, He Liu*, Yunjing Cui, et al. Theoretical analysis and experimental investigation of flame trajectory of horizontal subsonic jet diesel spray under sub-atmospheric pressure[J]. Fuel, 306 (2021) 121645(SCI一区); [8] Kai Xie, Yunjing Cui, Xingqi Qiu, et al. Experimental investigation on horizontal jet spray flame characteristics with a constant air-fuel ratio in different sub-atmospheric pressures [J]. Applied thermal engineering, 2020 165,114555:1-11(SCI二区top); [9] Kai Xie, Yunjing Cui, Xingqi Qiu, et al. Combustion characteristics of horizontal diesel spray burner in low-pressure chamber based on multivariate correlation analysis [J]. Complexity, 2019,9421986. (SCI二区top); [10] Kai Xie*, Yunjing Cui**, Xingqi Qiu, et al. Experimental study on flame characteristics and air entrainment of diesel horizontal spray burners at two different atmospheric pressures [J]. Energy, 2020, 211: 118906-1-13(SCI二区top); [11] Kai Xie, Y.J. Cui, X.Q. Qiu, et al. Effect of Air Quantity Distribution Ratio on Flame Height of Flue Gas Self-Circulation Burner [J]. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 2020, 13(1): 233-243. (SCI四区); [12] Guanghai Gao, Xiao Cong, Yunjing Cui, et al. Study on vortex-induced vibration of deep-water marine drilling risers in linearly sheared flows in consideration of changing added mass [J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020, 7687280(SCI); [13] Xie, K., Qiu, X., Cui, Y., er al. Experimental study on the effect of spray cone angle on the characteristics of horizontal jet spray flame under sub-atmospheric pressure [J]. Thermal Science, 2019. (SCI四区); [14] Kai Xie, Xingqi Qiu, Yunjing Cui. Experimental Study on the Influence of Different Air Volume and Injection Pressure on the Characteristics of Horizontal Spray Flame under 0.05MPa Atmospheric Pressure [J]. Paper Asia, 2019, v COMPENDIUM 2(3): 13-18. (EI); [15] Xie, K., Qiu, X., Cui, Y. Combustion Characteristics of a Small-Sized Burner’s Single Diesel Droplet in Different Atmosphere Pressures. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018. 452(3), 32062. (EI收录:20191306696860); [16] 薛飞,曲燕,崔运静,等. 车载面包烤箱内温度场均匀性研究[J]. 工业加热, 2022, 51(02); [17] 李彦,王宗明,崔运静,等. 新型高原燃烧机用离心风机的设计研究[J]. 风机技术, 2020.8; [18] 谢凯, 崔运静,仇性启,等. 柴油喷雾粒径空间分布特征理论与实验研究[J].科学技术与工程,2019,19(9):88-93.(北大核心期刊); [19] 谢凯, 仇性启, 崔运静, 等. 不同环境温度下水平喷雾燃烧火焰形态实验研究[J]. 工业加热, 2019, 48(2): 17-20.(科技核心期刊); [20] 谢凯, 仇性启, 崔运静. 低压环境下水平射流喷雾燃烧火焰形态实验研究[J]. 工业加热, 2018, 47(3):8-12.(科技核心期刊); [21] Kai Xie, Yunjing Cui, Xingqi Qiu. Characterization of Flame Fluctuation Range of a Horizontal Jet Spray Flame under sub-atmosphere Pressure[C]. 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Fukuoka, Japan, 2019. (EI收录: 2019); [22] 崔运静,彭恩亮. 不同角度侧风状态下油罐车的气动特性仿真研究[J]. 公路与汽运,2015,167:23-26; [23] 李大树,仇性启,郑志伟,马培勇,崔运静*. 液滴冲击不同浸润性壁面的数值分析[J]. 农业机械学报, 2015,46(7):294-302.(EI); [24] 朱晓丽,崔运静*,仇性启. 提升管进料段油剂间传质传热及混合特性研究[J]. 石油化工,2017,46(3):309-314; [25] 宋乃迎,崔运静*,仇性启,等. 湿法烟气脱硫系统脱硫效率的CPFD模拟研究[J]. 石油化工,2017,46(7):902-907; [26] 崔运静,叶桃红,林其钊*. 燃空当量比对液体燃料无焰燃烧特性的影响[J]. 中国科学技术大学学报,2012,(42)4:325-334; [27] 崔运静,林其钊*,仇性启. 微型燃气轮机喷嘴射流和雾化特性研究[J]. 实验流体力学,2012,26(4):11-17; [28] Yunjing Cui, Qizhao Lin. Realization of Flameless Combustion of Liquid Fuel[J]. Advanced Materials Research, vol 512-515, pp2088-2092, 2012。
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[1] 崔运静,刘玥,仇性启,谢凯,王建新。一种二级旋混柔性喷嘴[P].中国发明专利, 201910420755.X,已授权,2023.12.1; [2] 崔运静,张松,王宗明,左海强,曲燕,谢凯,束奇,仇性启,高光海,王建新,邱洪波,王洪珍. 一种具有高引射烟气的高原型燃油燃烧器及设计方法[P]. 中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 2020 1 1247413. 1,已授权,2022.4.29; [3] 崔运静,张松,王宗明,左海强,曲燕,谢凯,束奇,仇性启,高光海,王建新,邱洪波,王洪珍,毛育文。一种具有高引射烟气的高原型燃油燃烧器及设计方法[P].中国发明专利,专利号:ZL201910964366.3,已授权,2021.07.20; [4] 唐健恒,吴官阳,林旭,韩国孝,崔运静. 一种便于维护的电磁炉加热面板[P]. 实用新型专利,申请号202223077862.3,已授权,2023.03.17; [5] 刘玥,崔运静,仇性启,谢凯,王建新. 一种二级旋混柔性喷嘴[P].实用新型专利, 申请号201920723098.1,已授权,2020.02.18; [6] 谢凯,仇性启,崔运静,张松,王宗明,史桢超. 一种高原环境自适应管道换热式燃烧控制方法[P]. 中国发明专利,ZL 201810940961.9, 已授权,2019.04.30; [7] 崔运静,林其钊. 一种无焰燃烧装置[P]. 中国发明专利, ZL201210019166.9,已授权,2014.10.31; [8] 崔运静,聂陈翰,林其钊. 一种小型高效燃气/燃油锅炉[P]. 中国发明专利,ZL200910185582.4,已授权,2012.5.30; [9] 聂陈翰,崔运静,马培勇,林其钊.一种高效燃油锅炉[P]. 中国发明专利,ZL200910185580.5,已授权,2012.5.30; [10] 史桢超,崔运静,仇性启等. 一种短焰低氮燃烧装置[P]. 实用新型专利, 201621205084,已授权,2017.07.07; [11] 郑志伟,仇性启,李大树,崔运静,惠媛媛. 一种双旋流引射式介质雾化喷嘴[P]. 实用新型专利,CN201520047831.4, 20150701; [12] 周凯,师为东,常春梅,崔运静,等. 高效油污泥焚烧炉[P]. 中国发明专利,201410171990,已授权,20161019。
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[1] GB/T37433-2019,低功率燃油燃烧器通用技术要求 [S]. 中国国家标准,位次5/20,20190901。
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[1] 青岛市工程设计与图学学会会员. 2023.7-2027.7; [2] Applied Thermal Engineering、Cleaner Chemical Engineering、Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science及 Therm al Science审稿人; [3] 2017 -2018年任全国燃烧节能净化标准化技术委员会《低功率燃油燃烧器通用技术要求》国家标准编写工作组成员; [4] 担任车辆11-1、16-4和20-4及机械20-1班等班级的班主任,多次获评优秀班主任。 |