Safety Science(SCI二区期刊)征稿通知


SCI二区期刊Safety Science征稿

Special Issue on “Process Safety and Security in the Digital Age”

Guest editors:

Dr. Ming Yang, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands,

Prof. Valerio Cozzani, University of Bologna, Italy,

Prof. Changhang Xu, China University of Petroleum, China,

Short title: Process Safety and Security

Motivation and Scope

For more than two decades, digital technologies have been changing how the process industries are operating. This evolution has led to not only vast work automation with less human engagement but also new risks and challenges. The extensive use of robotics called for by ambitious programs aiming to redesign industrial production processes, as the Industry 4.0, is dramatically transforming the safety and security landscape in process industries. Intelligent production processes need a new approach to process and product safety. The standalone process and the transportation units, connected to the Internet of Things (IoT), are becoming more attractive to terrorists. In this framework, the need for a new approach to Safety and Security of production processes is evident. The safety culture change has not been well managed to meet the demand for digital transformation. Several stakeholders in the EU recognize the need for a Safety 4.0 program to be developed parallel to Industry 4.0. Under such context, the theories and principles, methods and techniques for safety and security management must be updated. Progress and update of methodologies are needed in all the steps of the management process: identification of hazard and threats, quantitative assessment, risk treatment, barrier management. This special issue aims to consolidate the literature on the emerging safety and security issues in the digital age and provide an overview of the state-of-art of theories, principles, and methods that can give potential solutions to these issues.

This special issue invites original papers on topics related to the scientific, engineering, and social science challenges and solutions related to the safety and security of digitalized production process systems in the chemical, oil and gas, mining, nuclear, and other process industries. Review articles relevant to this field are also welcome.


The topics of this special issue will include, but are not limited to advancement of understanding and knowledge of:

  • Emerging safety and security hazards associated with digitalized process systems;

  • Hazard and threat identification and identification techniques in digitalized processes;

  • Accident scenarios analysis and modeling in digitalized process systems;

  • Modelling and prevention of physical- and cyber-security events in digitalized systems

  • Human factors and organizational challenges in digitalized process plants

  • Barriers and barrier management in digitalized systems;

  • Digitalization of safety and security assessment and management;

  • The cascading impact of the Internet failure on process operations;

  • Theories, principles, and methods for developing probabilistic digital twins for process safety and integrity management;

  • Predictive and prognostic-based safety and security management using data science and machine-learning techniques;

  • Data-driven modelling for safety and security applications

  • Safety and security synergies and clashes in digitalized processes

  • Systematic approach for integrated safety and security management of digitalized systems; and

  • Use of social media for safety culture enhancement.

Proposed timeline

  • Open submission: February 1st, 2021

  • Submission deadline: October 30th, 2021

  • Tentative publication: March 31st, 2022



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