学术报告预告:1-深海采矿垂直运输系统的设计挑战 2-深水生产立管系统全尺寸测试和现场监测


学术报告1: 深海采矿垂直运输系统的设计挑战

Design Challenges of a Deep Sea Mining Vertical Transport System

报告人:Frank Lim



报告摘要:近年来,海底采矿的前景焕发了新的活力,达到了水深6000m的极深海底。凭借30多年的深水油气钻井和生产立管设计的工程经验,2H offshore参与了世界各地大多数海底采矿系统的设计项目。垂直输送系统是采矿系统中唯一真正与深度相关的组件,它可以自由跨越整个水深,并受到未知的水下水流条件的影响。报告人将阐述的垂直输送系统关键设计问题和技术挑战,并指出克服这些问题的方法。

Abstract: The prospect of seabed mining has taken on a new life in recent years reaching to the very deep seabed of up to 6000m water depth. Deriving from their deep water oil & gas drilling and production riser design and engineering experience over three decades, 2H offshore has been involved in most seabed mining system design projects in different locations around the world. The Vertical Transport System (VTS) is the only true depth dependent component in the mining system, free spanning the entire water depth and subjecting to quite unknown underwater current flow conditions. The speaker will address the key VTS design issues & technical challenges, and point at ways to overcome them.



           Deep Water Production Riser Systems, Full Scale Testing and In-Situ Monitoring

报告人:Frank Lim



报告摘要:为了满足不同水深和作业条件下的油田开发要求,深水油田生产隔水管系统有不同的形式。2H Offshore总部位于英国,是全球领先的立管设计和工程公司,参与了世界上大多数深水生产立管系统的开发,并开创了节约成本和提高效率的创新解决方案。2H Offshore还进行了一系列开创性的全尺寸测试,以研究涡激振动及其抑制机制、隔水管/海底土壤相互作用以及复杂隔水管截面的结构阻尼。报告人还将分享他对实际立管系统进行现场监测的经验,这些经验为完整性管理和分析校准提供了真实的立管行为的见解。

Abstract: Deep water oilfield production riser systems come in different forms to cater for the field development requirements in different water depths and operating conditions. Headquartered in the UK, 2H Offshore is the foremost riser design and engineering company that has been involved in developing most of the world’s deep water production riser systems and pioneering innovative solutions to save costs & improve efficiency. 2H has also performed a number of ground-breaking full scale tests to investigate vortex induced vibrations & their suppression mechanism, riser/seabed soil interaction, and structural damping of complex riser cross-sections. The speaker will also share his experience of in-situ monitoring of real-life riser systems that has provided insight to the true riser behavior for the purposes of integrity management and analysis calibration.



       Frank Lim国家级特聘教授、英国机械工程师学会院士、皇家船舶工程师学会院士、国际著名海洋工程公司2H Offshore原总裁。超过三十余年的浮式及水下生产系统的工程经验,所负责的项目几乎涉及深水的所有领域,包括钻井、立管设计及水下装置等;成功地开发了单束站立式立管技术,并将该技术引进至西非和巴西的项目中;国际最前沿的深水海床采矿领域的领先专家(海底水深6000m),全面掌握目前国际领先的垂直运输系统的前沿技术。担任ISOPE国际会议组委会委员,国际水下技术协会中国分会前主席。

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