
发布人:霍添 发布时间:2024-03-05 浏览次数:1447

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副教授 硕士生导师

邮箱:superj_wang@163.com        电话:15965559195    办公地点:工科E713



中原工学院   安全工程        工学学士


中国矿业大学安全科学与工程  工学博士






中国石油大学(华东)安全科学与工程系特任副教授、副教授(2023.12- )



[1] 油气安全工程

[2] 风险分析与控制

[3] 应急技术及管理

[4] 工业灾害预防与控制








[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:多变力学响应下煤体裂纹动态扩展行为及气固互馈协同作用机制,2022/01-2024/12

[2] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:采动煤体损伤诱发层裂结构动态响应机制,2020/06-2022/03

[3] 青岛市博士后应用型项目:煤巷工作面突出预测钻孔边界效应及布局模式,2020/03-2021/10

[4] 中国石油大学(华东)自主创新青年项目:井下储气煤层采掘工作面孕突过程中应力-瓦斯互馈协作力学机制,2022/04-          2025/03

[5] 中国石油大学(华东)自主创新青年项目:煤巷工作面突出危险性判定临界模型及可行性研究,2020/01-2021/10

[6] 江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划,2018/03-2019/03

[7] 煤矿瓦斯与火灾防治教育部重点实验室开放课题(3项),2017/03-2018/12

[8] 中国矿业大学中央高校基本科研专项资金A类项目,2018/03-2019/12

[9] 承担中石化、中石油、河南神火集团等企业技术开发与科技攻关项目



[1] Wang   Chaojie, Li Xiaowei, et al., 2021, Dynamic characterization during gas   initial desorption of coal particles        and its influence on the initiation of   coal and gas outbursts. Processes.

[2] Wang   Chaojie, Li Xiaowei, et al., 2020. Study on factors influencing and the   critical value of the drilling cuttings      weight: an index for outburst risk   prediction [J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 140: 356-366.

[3] Wang   Chaojie, Yang Shengqiang, et al., 2019. Comparison of the initial gas   desorption and gas-release energy      characteristics from tectonically-deformed   and primary-undeformed coal [J]. Fuel, 238: 66-74.

[4] Wang   Chaojie, Yang Shengqiang, et al., 2018. Experimental analysis of the   intensity and evolution of coal and        gas outbursts [J]. Fuel, 226: 252-262.

[5] Wang   Chaojie, Yang Shengqiang, et al., 2018. The correlation between dynamic   phenomena of boreholes for        outburst prediction and outburst risks during coal   roadways driving [J]. Fuel, 231: 307-316.

[6] Wang   Chaojie, Yang Shengqiang, et al., 2018. Influence of coal moisture on   initial gas desorption and gas-            release energy characteristics [J]. Fuel, 232:   351-361.

[7] Wang   Chaojie, Yang Shengqiang, 2018. Simulation of the hazard arising from the   coupling of gas explosions          and spontaneously combustible coal due to the gas   drainage of a gob [J]. Process Safety and Environmental              Protection, 118:   296-306.

[8] Wang   Chaojie, Yang Shengqiang, et al., 2017. A method of rapid determination   of gas pressure in a coal seam        based on the advantages of gas spherical flow   field [J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 45: 502-        510.

[9] Wang   Chaojie, Yang Shengqiang, et al., 2019. Study on the failure   characteristics of concrete specimen under        confining pressure [J]. Arabian   Journal for Science and Engineering, 44, 41194129.

[10]  Wang Chaojie#, et al., 2019. Experimental study on the   damage evolution of gas-bearing coal and its electric        potential response [J].   Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 52: 4589-4604.

[11]  Wang Chaojie*, et al., 2022. Influence of temperature on   gas desorption characterization in the whole process      from coals and its   application analysis on outburst risk prediction [J]. Fuel, 321: 124021.

[12]  Wang Chaojie*, et al., 2021. Investigation on coal   spontaneous combustion in the gob of Y type ventialtion          caving face: A case   study [J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 148: 590-603.

[13]  Wang Chaojie*, et al., 2020. Determination of critical   value of an outburst risk prediction index of working            face in a coal roadway   based on initial gas emission from a borehole and its application: A case   study [J]. Fuel,        267:117229.

[14]  Wang Chaojie*, et al., 2019. Experimental study on the   influence of coal oxidation on coal and gas outburst          during invasion of   magmatic rocks into coal seams [J]. Process Safety and Environmental   Protection, 124: 213-        222.

[15]  Wang Chaojie*, et al., 2018. Design of gas drainage modes   based on gas emission rate in a gob: A simulation      study [J]. Arabian Journal   of Geosciences, 11: 456-467.

[16]  王超杰, 杨胜强, 蒋承林等, 2017. 煤巷工作面突出预测钻孔动力现象演化机制及关联性探讨[J].煤炭学报, 42(9): 2327-

    2336 (EI).



[1] 一种煤层注水消突方法. 发明专利号:CN202010855777.1

[2] 一种煤矿井下工作面突出预测多指标智能监测装置.发明专利号:CN202010947322.2

[3] -水两相流诱发裂隙内煤粉启动运移可视化系统、方法. 发明专利号:CN202111440213.2.

[4] 一种低阻力高热容麻花钻杆及使用方法,发明专利号:ZL201610807138.1.

[5] 立井井筒揭穿特厚松软突出煤层的快速泄压排放瓦斯方法,发明专利号:ZL201610973245.1.

[6] 一种井下高应力松软煤层可重复掏孔抽采瓦斯方法,发明专利号:ZL201610225958.X.



[1] 2020年,中国煤炭工业科技进步二等奖,排名第1

[2] 2019年,中国煤炭工业科技进步三等奖,排名第4

[3] 2021年,河南省煤炭科学技术进步一等奖,排名第1

[4] 2021年,中国石油大学(华东)‘十佳百优’优秀班主任

[5] 2019年,中国矿业大学‘瓦斯-好学’博士

[6] 2018年,中国矿业大学优秀创新博士

[7] 2017年,中国矿业大学研究生学术论文大赛“一等奖”,排名第1

[8] 2016年,中国矿业大学学术道德与学风建设主题征文“二等奖”,排名第1

[9] 2020/2022年,作为技术总负责人完成的2项课题(主研井下煤层气高效开采及防突关键技术体系),经中国煤炭工业协会        鉴定整体国际先进水平



[1] 中科院2SCI期刊Int. J. Min. Sci. Technol.中青年编委

[2] 《矿业安全与环保》期刊第一届青年专家学术委员会委员

[3] 中国职业安全健康协会、中国岩石力学与工程学会、中国煤炭学会个人会员

[4] FuelPowder TechnologyEnergy&Fuels1/220余个SCI期刊审稿专家

[5] 煤炭行业标准评审/国际学术会议论文评审/国研评审中心论文评审等特邀专家